Yo Texans (and anyone in the path of the big hurricane)

In my area, it rained for two days straight. Non-stop from late friday night until...well it's still raining a little. No flooding around here though. It didn't ever rain hard enough to overwhelm the drainage. Just a steady mild rain.
The rain certainly made the grand prix from Texas pretty interesting yesterday.
So what happened to this historic killer storm?

I saw reports from Mexico, where they were supposed to be ground zero for massive damage and absolutely nothing happened!


Where'd it go? :confused:

Cheers! :)
This was the ultimate case of over promise and under deliver.

Patricia. A woman.

Go figure.

Some weathermen are like Chicken Little. On one station here the guy always spins the forecast to gloom and doom. One night real late I’d come in from a gig and turned on the TV. Our area was totally clear so he zooms in on a tiny cloud down south of here and starts saying how it’s going to cause this and that. What with all the noise about global warming, any anomaly is big news for the rain makers. It’s literally raining money for the weather channel. Shit, I watch the hell out of it. I even got to watching the rock hounds and all their drama.