Yet another newbie


New member
Hello! And let me start off by saying what a great site this is.

I am just getting started with computer recording and have a few questions.

First off, I have a Marshall AS50R amplifier with a 1/4" line out jack. I took a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter and hooked this to the "line-in" of my computer.

The computer is an old PII 450 with 256Mb of Ram running win98. It has an on-board audio card (CIS or something). I hook up all equipment and through the amp, and sounds good. I have earphones plugged into the speaker jack of the sound card, and the quality is excellent.

I have tried a program called "Digital Recorder", and "loop recorder" to just try and record the sound I have. The quality was "OK", but there was a lot of static. I made sure the recording software was set on the highest quality.

So, I guess I should ask if I am doing things correctly, then if anyone has any suggestions to improve the sound quality?