Yet another myspace question


New member
How long does it usually takes for myspace to add a song to their streaming server? I uploaded a song, waited for a day and a half and it never showed up on my page. It never moved past the processing status. I suspected some sort of error had occured, so I deleted the song and uploaded it again earlier today. Is this normal?
that kind of thing is why you should use more than one freebie site for your music. try soundclick too. but to answer your question yes myspace screws up sometimes.
I have had it take over two days for a song to show up on my page. I've also had it show up immediately after I posted it. I don't have any idea why though....
Robertt8 said:
yeah, ours is immediate. are you sure you did it right?

Yeah, as far as I know there is only one way to upload a song. I'm still waiting for my second try to succeed. I'm starting to wondering if It's the MP3 file they have a problem with.
As they say, you get what you pay for...MySpace has it's merits, yes, but as
greenie said, you need your music in more than one spot.