Yep, screaming.


New member
I don't know how often a hardcore song floats its way on here, but this is a song I haven't completed because I am not sure what to do about vox at the end.

Everything is done my me:



(please listen to the end, it's the most powerful part!)
I am ready to punch grandmothers in the face now.:eek: Other than that, the mix sounds kinda thin, bass is very LOST in the mix, vox are outta key/flat at times in the melodic/singing part (non-screaming section). That says alot for me because as soon as I hear a vox or instrument outa key, I hit stop and move on without leaving a post/oppinion but I stuck with the listen all the way through. It is not terrible, but I think with a good mix and a couple of corrections this WILL be a very cool tune. I like the groove/hook. I give it a C+.....:o, mainly because people should know when they are outta cant hear that? and why didnt you fix that? how did that make it all the way to the mix???????
Good luck
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glad to see a fellow hardcore fan on here. i'll take a more in depth listen later and comment back with suggestions, but i really like the song.

can you explain your recording technique in depth?
This could be a very interesting song, but it definitely needs working on. Cookie-monster parts are ok , but the rest is pretty drowned out. I suggest you record the screams and the singing vocals on different tracks. Also, the guitars sound good, but sooooooo far away, like I'm listening in the next room. The kick has too much low end and no click to it, it's boomy and drowns everything else. Snare is almost inaudible. When you get to the mixing stage, do a first miy at very low level and check if you can hear everything properly. Keep working on it!

Joey :)
Hmm, this doesn't do anything for me. I hope you're not trying to pass these off as real drums. They sound like a robot is playing them....poorly. I think the guitars sound pretty good for the style of music. Nice and gritty, although a little muddy. The bass is just about inaudible. The screaming/angst/cookie monster parts sound okay, but this whole genre has become pretty cliche. It's all essentially the same thing. Some melodic overdriven guitars, screaming, and overdone double-kick. I think you could have a good version though with some re-tracking for better performances and do something with those drums. As is, it's pretty far from home. Not a bad effort, but it could be way better. Just my 2 cents.

I record 4 tracks of guitars. Divided into 2 I pan one pair left and the other right with varying depths of pan.

For bass...well I don't have one, so I try my best to manipulate my guitar sound with some bass amp effects on logic. I'd prefer not to use an electronic instrument for it.

Drums: I use ultra-beat. I could definitely use a good tutorial on how to mix drums better.

I recorded vocals at a friend's on a kinda low end mic...

I live in a dormitory so I can't really just scream lol. I definitely agree the vocals aren't very fluid in the song, but I am going to redo the singing.
I certainly am not trying to pass them off as real. I don't have the resources for it so please pardon my use of what I've got. I completely disagree with you on the point of the genre becoming cliche, obviously you haven't listened to a lot.

Be practical dude, I live in a dorm room and have quite sub par equipment. I can't really crank out anything professional.

I appreciate the critique.

This could be a very interesting song, but it definitely needs working on. Cookie-monster parts are ok , but the rest is pretty drowned out. I suggest you record the screams and the singing vocals on different tracks. Also, the guitars sound good, but sooooooo far away, like I'm listening in the next room. The kick has too much low end and no click to it, it's boomy and drowns everything else. Snare is almost inaudible. When you get to the mixing stage, do a first miy at very low level and check if you can hear everything properly. Keep working on it!

Joey :)

Thanks man. I agree with you about the kick, it comes of as deflated and not punchy or full.

Thank for the words,

I certainly am not trying to pass them off as real. I don't have the resources for it so please pardon my use of what I've got. I completely disagree with you on the point of the genre becoming cliche, obviously you haven't listened to a lot.

Your song is every cliche of the genre wrapped into one. Dude, you're not making breakthrough music. Really though, pretty much no one is, so it's not a big deal. Enjoy what you do and have fun with it, but what I said is right. All of these screamocore songs sound exactly the same.

You can make very good recordings using mediocre equipment in a freaking library if you wanted to. Amp modellers, programmed drums, etc all can sound very good if you use em right. Vocals might not be possible in a library, but I think you get the point. You don't have to have Marshall stacks and Neil Peart's kit to make good home recordings. Your drums don't sound terrible, they just don't sound human. If you're gonna use fake drums, that's perfectly fine, but you gotta humanize them so they sound real and natural. I don't know the process as I use real drums, but I've heard some VERY good drum programming in this very forum from regular ol hobbyists just like you. And if you're gonna program wild off-time drum beats, at least program something that you can lock in with and play along to. Your guitar tracks and drums were like 2 different songs. And go to a pawn shop and buy a freaking bass dude. You can't have heavy music with no bass.

And I mean this totally constructively. I'm not trying to flame you or anything. Just my 2 cents.
All still disagree with you on the music part, but on the other hand I agree with you about the mediocre equipment. But I don't think you know how mediocre mine is.

-1 MXL 990 mic
-1 MXL 991 mic
-M Audio Audio Buddy Pre
-Logic Express
-Line 6 Spider 2 (old but it's all I can put in a dorm)

So that's what I'm working with. If I can make stuff sound better with that I will be enthralled. I definitely need work on drum sound, but have no clue how to do it. Bass wise, I'll spend my money on my education before anything else.

I appreciate the help.
