Yay solar energy!

I wonder if they are able to tilt the panels completely vertical if given proper warning...
At least, that's what I would do... if I could...
brassplyer said:
You find it "disturbing" because you don't grasp what I'm laughing at. :ROFLMAO:
You are laughing at the fuck up.
The reason you're laughing at the fuck up is because you don't believe in alternate energy sources.
I don't have anything against energy sources per se, I'm laughing at the leftist "Green New Deal" agenda hype hucksterism bs meeting reality.

This particular train wreck of course doesn't even take into consideration the huge fossil-fuel and nuclear energy industrial support system that's required to manufacture and transport the components, the creation of the physical plants, mining, steel, concrete, lubricants, plastics and on and on. The whole "alternate energy" AOC rainbows and unicorn farts fantasy depends on the notion that somehow it all appears out of nowhere, is capable of producing more energy than it is and lasts forever.

Fossil fuel and nuclear tech are the only viable methods of meeting the bulk of energy needs and that will continue to be true long after you're gone.

Wind Turbine burial.jpg



diesel charging station.jpg
I wonder if they are able to tilt the panels completely vertical if given proper warning...
At least, that's what I would do... if I could...
I thought roughly the same thing. Like servo motors that would invert them during hail threats - or something of the sort. I know that they're already rated for hail strikes - but some hail - like the hail that caused this damage - can be intense. Simple physics, right? Hail that's bigger and has more mass - is going to have increased velocity as it falls (I assume that's correct).

We get some gnarly hail here - and it can be incredibly damaging. I'm replacing many air conditioning systems in the coming weeks due to hail strike damage right in my area.

I've gotten to where I dread hail. It's no joke.

Anyway - this technology is here to stay. As is the case with such things - I assume they will work out the issues as it becomes necessary to do so.
Supposedly this facilities has 'hail stow' capability that does tilt the panels. I wonder how or who initiates the tilt (oops!!) ......
"The Scottsbluff project features more than 14,000 JA Solar 380W modules, Brown said, and utilizes a single-axis tracker system with hail stow capabilities from Array Technologies. While it's unclear if the asset's hail stow program was activated during the weather event, damage to the face of the modules indicates it was not."
Supposedly this facilities has 'hail stow' capability that does tilt the panels. I wonder how or who initiates the tilt (oops!!) ......
"The Scottsbluff project features more than 14,000 JA Solar 380W modules, Brown said, and utilizes a single-axis tracker system with hail stow capabilities from Array Technologies. While it's unclear if the asset's hail stow program was activated during the weather event, damage to the face of the modules indicates it was not."
It worked as well as I would expect anything that's part of leftist's vision of the world to work.

Like the OceanGate sub - the late CEO declared he didn't hire 50-year-old white guys because they aren't inspirational. He fired an uninspiring 49 yo white guy for telling him his sub wasn't safe. Rush is now so much inspirational protoplasm on the sea bed, being digested by various marine life and being scraped off the inspiring wreckage of the sub.
How windmills are put together. Pretty spiffy turbo-diesel crane I'm guessing made primarily of steel in a huge manufacturing facility used to install the windmill. No doubt one like it will be involved in dismantling it when it reaches the end of its life and various parts of it end up in a landfill.

It worked as well as I would expect anything that's part of leftist's vision of the world to work.

Like the OceanGate sub - the late CEO declared he didn't hire 50-year-old white guys because they aren't inspirational. He fired an uninspiring 49 yo white guy for telling him his sub wasn't safe. Rush is now so much inspirational protoplasm on the sea bed, being digested by various marine life and being scraped off the inspiring wreckage of the sub.
I rest my case...
They put a solar farm next to a parachuting centre here. They seemed surprised when panels kept getting broken. If you get destructive hail, it seems a design flaw to use panels that can’t take it.
I saw somewhere that there is talk of somehow manipulating the atmosphere to reduce rays from the sun, solar radiation. SRM, Solar Radiation Modification. Kind of a last ditch effort to save the planet from "global warming". The US and the European Union not really seriously actually considering it, just open to discussions. What could go wrong, except maybe the little problem that solar panels need rays from the sun to do their thing. We would need 10% more panels to achieve/maintain the same energy. I don't know, doesn't seem a smart thing to be considering. Maybe they could get AI involved to sort out how to save the planet, and humanity.
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I thought roughly the same thing. Like servo motors that would invert them during hail threats - or something of the sort.

I wonder where we could get servo motors, enough to do the job? Of course it wouldn't be good to manufacture those here, as we all know manufacturing uses a lot of energy, and producing energy harms the environment. We wouldn't want to harm the environment, would we. We could use the energy from those panels, I mean, if they weren't broken all to shit. Maybe we could get someone else to do it, then we could at least feel good that we weren't harming the environment. Harming the environment is bad, we wouldn't want to do that.
I saw somewhere that there is talk of somehow manipulating the atmosphere to reduce rays from the sun, solar radiation. SRM, Solar Radiation Modification. Kind of a last ditch effort to save the planet from "global warming".
Yes, I've heard of that. The plan is to fire a rocket at a passing meteor, causing it to crash into Earth, thereby spewing up huge amounts of debris into the atmosphere, and blocking the sun's rays. Hold on a minute, didn't that do for the dinosaurs?