yay for living rooms


New member
Please I'm sorry if input is a bit unknowledgeable, I have a problem knowing how to use my finite resources.

I will tell you elders what I have, in essence, a cluttered room with a 4 piece set, a nice 'Accoustic' bass amp, a Roland KA/PA 350, and a 15 watt Peavey Vypyr guitar amp which has awesome tone but doesn't get too loud before I fear that it might explode.... Guitars work just fine, no problem on instruments... it's the micing and/or amp-sim modelling I would like some advice on.

so thats the instruments... the mics SO FAR are a built-in on a handheld recorder and a "comes with the startup recording package" wanna-be SM57 dynamic kind of mic. I have about 1000 U.S. dollars to pump into something that I can expect to reasonably do a 4 pice drum set, a bass amp, and a gtar amp, and a vocal track (yeah just one, I'm very stripped down) I don't need to

I was looking at the zoom cd burner recorder HD8CD thing because that lets me record to discs too, but it only has 2 inputs, and according to reviews, the preamps are decent, but it only uses 2 at a time. So after all the babble... does anyone knowing-ish know if it is a good way to use two condenser mics to get a full 'band' recording 1 piece at a time in a living room and get decent guitar and bass sound to tape (uh.. to disk...) with just those two inputs. I was thinking maybe good room microphones would make up for the number of inputs on a single close-miked drum set, and maybe throw an extra one in for the kick.

I have a thousand bucks to spend, and no way back once I spend it. Anyone with any experience with my type of recording scenario please let me know what has worked best for you. My scenario: all good on amps/guitars, living room kind of setup, 1-man band with small drumset facing corner, 1 bass/amp, 1 gtar/amp, 1 vocal/amp working around the cats, furniture, girlfriend. I want either the best mics for the job or the best mixer/recorder and I'm welcome to any suggestions.

Can I do it with that 2 channel mixer/recder? It's great if I can because it also burns off discs, but am I better off sucking it up and getting more mics?
If you are going to be doing it in your living room then why not use your computer ?? You can get a unit to connect to your PC with 8 mic inputs for about $300 ish , it should come with software and there are some free ones and free effect plugins on the net then you can spend the rest on other equipment...... Just a thought
Living rooms are okay to record in.

You can get excellent drum tracks with just four mikes: kick, snare and two overheads, for example.