Yamaha Snare for Oktava MK-219???

Hollywood Ant

New member
I have the chance to trade my Yamaha Stage Custom Advantage Snare for a used Oktava MK-219 (in good shape). My snare is 14x5.5 (birch, mohagany, falkata). Is this a good deal? I've found the Snare online for about $150. Prices for the MK219 are mixed. Cheap on Ebay but mostly close to about $200 at online stores. What do you think??
I actually just bought a new snare so I technically don't need it and I am kind of collecting mics and stuff for a studio. I guess I just want to know if it's a fair trade. Does the cost even out? I don't know...I'm a drummer first so it's always hard to let go of gear. Thanks again.
Well i Know there are fake Oktava mics (not sure if the mk-219 is one of them) floating around as long as its not fake, you have nothing to lose, you will probably never use the snare drum again anyways.
I own an oktava MK 219

I do use it once in a while and I like how it performs in certain situations, but keep in mind, it is not a good universal mic. It is highly colored and very dark. I use it on vocalists that tend to sound shrill through flatter mics and I have used it effectively as a higher mic on the floor toms.
When I purchased mine (about 6 years ago) it was when Oktava hadn't really established themselves yet and these were on sale at Guitar Center for $99.
I'm glad I have it, but I'd never trade a good snare for one (I collect snares).
The MK012's are much better mics IMO. They come with a -10db pad that will make it easy for snare duty.

The Chinese copy thing is blown out of proportion, I think. I've bought five different Oktava mics and never came accross a fake one. YMMV.