Yamaha Porta Grand * Fast Track help!


New member
I have a Yamaha Porta Grand D6X-500, that has midi inputs/outputs, and was wondering if there was a way to run it through my M Audio Fast Track, for Garageband.
The Fast track doesn't have midi or usb inputs, is there a cable that has midi jacks on one end and an XLR or phone jack on the other end?

I am new to this, and I apologize if I have posted this in the wrong forum.

Thanks in advance for any help you can send my way!

oh i'm sorry. I assumed it did. I have a dgx 205 and just thought the dgx-500 would be pretty much the same. There is no cable from MIDI to XLR. Remember, MIDI sends digital information and there's no way to turn it into an analog signal. Your going to have to get a MIDI interface.
I figured it out, it was like a "duh" moment.
I simply patched a cable from the headphone output on the piano to the fast track, and viola! worked!
Thanks for your reply's Crowsoffritz!
No problem. I'm now assuming all you wanted to play was the presets loaded in the Yamaha. When you go from the headphone out, your not recording MIDI, your recording an analog signal. I think that's what you wanted though.