yamaha ns10ms

duder, they've been discontinued for a while now.....I had a hell of a time getting em about a month ago. Check out www.brookmays.com That's where I picked mine up. Good luck, if that doesn't work you can spend out your ass for a pair of used ones at Ebay.

Peace, love, and chicken,
How much would be a good price to pay (would around $400-500 be to much?). My local guitar center had ONE on sale for $180 (someone had poked their finger through the cone on the other one :mad: ). And I could probably order another one from somewhere else (for a bit more), or would it be best to buy then together as a "set"? Cause if one's been put through more use than the other, would that make them sound any different?

Do they still have the damaged one? Maybe you can get them to throw in the damaged one for real cheap. Then you would just have to find a new speaker for the one.

You may have a hard time finding another single.
They didn't still have the other one, I think he said that they sent it off somewhere to get repaired and he didn't know if they would ever see it again (but I don't know where they would have sent it). I asked him if anyone else still had any and he brought up a pretty good sized list of places where they (or I) could order from, most of them had singles and a few still had pairs. :) He said that there's no telling what condition they're in though (which would be just the same as buying them off Ebay or something). But unfortunately, I can't get them right now cause I'm having to save all my money to go to college :( (and it is VERY temping to just run down and order them :D). But when I do get the money, would it better to have one new one and one old used one or would it be better to get a used set (a "matched pair" if you will, or does that only apply to mics? ;))

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Tekker.... buy it!! hole in cone is no big deal, every good re-coning place stocks NS cones!!
I would, but like I said before they don't have it anymore. :( But maybe I can try to get at least semi-new one from one of the other stores after my college registration & books are all payed for. :rolleyes:
