Yamaha MG16/4 - Any good? And other questions...


New member
I'm new to recording, but I want a good mixer for band recording (not at the same time, but f.ex. Drum and bass, then Guitar and Keyboard and then vocal). I need at least 8 mic pre's and the Yamaha MG16/4 have 10 and is in the price range I want. So, would you recommend this to me? Will it last a while, so I won't have to exchange it after two months? Please help me, I just want good gear and good quality, but I'm not that rich. Also, I will get the Delta 1010lt Sound Card I guess, so is there direct outs on the mixer? (really newb to this). so is it possible to link the mixer to the delta card?

It stands between the Yamaha MG16/4 Mixer and a behringer mixer. I will get the behringer mixer cheaper, but people have recommended me to buy the Yamaha instead. Help me and tell me what to do. As told before - I want good equipment (Semi quality - not pro, but definately not bad) for a good price so help me find the equipment!
I know I can't expect the greatest quality for the first two years or so, but if I get experience and really know how to record, will I get nice quality then?
Thank you for your answers in advance!

Peace out
The G-Man...

I believe the 16/4 has 4 busses. I am no mixer pro, but I believe there is a way to get more outs than just the 4 busses on that mixer.
get the yammie

I have a Yamaha MG12/4 which I highly recommend. The Yamaha's are much better quality than the the behringer's.
I own the MX12/4 which is a generation before the new MG series. I've had it since 1998 or so, and the thing has been performing like a champ since I bought it. I would assume the quality to be as good if not better from the MX to MG series. I like the pre's on my MX, and I've heard good about the pre's on the new MG's too. I still purchased a separate mic pre, but all my other instruments go through the Yamaha pre's.

I really can't think of anything bad to say about the quality. Sounds great, built great (tough) and uses quality components. I would say go for it - especially over the Behringer. Only experience I've had with a Beh. was a mixer with two malfunctioning channels in about a year. I suppose if it were sitting in a studio, it might be different.....or not.
If you're just using it as a direct out to go to an input of a soundcard you don't need a Y adapter, just a 1/4" plug in to the 1st "click".