Yamaha MG10/2 v Mbox 2 Mni


New member
Hey Guys

Might be a daft question but I just wondered if anyone has any information.

I am looking to record some acoustic guitar. I have a Mbox 2 Mini and a Yamaha MG10/2 Mixer.

Is it worth connecting the mixer to the Mbox via the inserts or should I just go straight into the Mbox.

Using the mixer gives me the option to use 2 microphones if I need to but are the preamps better in the Mbox or the mixer.

Any thoughts?

If you want to, you can. It won't hurt anything. Both units have budget-quality pres, so it's hard to say which one will sound better. Some folks will swear by Mbox. Some folks will favor the Yamaha.

My guess is...most of them would never be able to tell which is which if blind-folded.

If having two mics is important to you then go for it.