Yamaha m1516 gain staging


New member
I just picked up a Yamaha m1516 and I am having trouble getting enough signal from the board to my tape deck. The m1516 doesnt have direct outs, so I am trying to record via the inserts, which operate at -6db nominal. I am running out of the interstage of the m1516 using an 8 channel TS snake into a Tascam 38 (which operates at -10db). I'm getting a good solid line level signal to the board but not enough from the board to the Tascam. Wouldn't -6db be enough to drive the -10db inputs? The only other option I'm seeing here is running out of the program masters of the m1516 at +4db into a Tascam LA-81 to match the impedance of the Tascam 38 but I really don't want to do this. I should have bought an Otari...