Yamaha LS9 32 routing question


New member
I looked everywhere and, yes, I even read the entire manual. I hope this fits somewhat into this section of the forum. My question:

I'm going to be using the LS9 for corporate sound events, very simple. All I want to do is group a few lavs, strap the 31 band EQ across that group only. I will have 4 Omni outs to be used; 1 for the mono main outs, 1 for the the center fills on stage, one for the foldback mix on stage, and 1 for the sub. Whats the best way to route this? Do I group the groups I need into mixes and route those mixes to the matrixes then patch thos matrixes to the desired omniouts for send to my mains, centers, etc? Another thing thats pretty important is that I need to tie all my matrixes to a single master fader for complete sound cutoff to all mains and monitors, is that possible and how?

hefty question maybe..thanks.
The trouble with a highly flexible mixer is that there are so many ways to achieve what you want that it can be daunting to pick one of them.

This sounds very much like the sort of job I do frequently, except that my main outs are a L/R system rather than mono. However, I just put the main outs on, er, the main outs and set up a group (with all inputs into it) for the centre fills. Frankly, I don't bother with the matrix for something this simple...I use that mainly for where I need a totally different mix.

In your case, you could simply feed the channels into a stereo group then to the main outs and send L to your mono mains and R to your centre fills--you can control the main to fill balance on the group faders.

For the foldback, this almost always needs to be a different mix to the FOH so I use one or more pre fade auxes to feed this then take the appropriate aux(es) to omni outs, usually via their own GEQ since this is usually necessary for feedback control.

Finally, I can't think of a way to have a single fader to pull down ALL outputs (since they may be different mixes) but there's an even simpler way. Just create a scene preset with all outputs faded an put this on an easy number to remember (or even a user defined key). Preset 1 can be "normal" and Preset 2 (or 99 or whatever) can be everything muted. This is probably the way I'd do it, but the alternative is to set up a Mute group with everything one it...then just mute that group as needed. If you want to get clever, programme a half second fade on the scene preset...it'll sound much smoother.

Hope this helps,

yeah thats sound like itll work although what if I had one more set of FOH mix to send for examples to delays. I would need one more main mix out..I could set up another aux send to an omni out but then ill have to send a "mix" to another "mix", which I dont think you can do..which is where i believe the matrix mix would come in hand. I would send all mixes in varying degrees to where the need to go via a matrix tied to an omni out..like all lavs mix to mains, delays, and fills on matrix send 1..then all dvd, comp audio mixes to matrix group 2 tied to omni out..would this be the way to do it? thanks for the tips
i need to clarify on one part more...all dvd, and comp audio mixes would be sent to multiple outs like the mains, delays, fills and sub..so matrix1, matrix2, matrix3, and matrix4...all lavs would be sent to the same minus the sub matrix send..i guess im just trying to figure out the reason for having a matrix system..but is the way im thinking of using it the way it was intended or do you think theres a way to do all this without using the matrix sends?? thanks