Yamaha EX5R

Just bought it yesterday on Ebay for $405.01. I did come across the ex5tech site while researching and yes theres a lot of good info there. I won't be sure until I get the module what OS it has or if any of the memory upgrades have been done. I am not into sequencing at all so I'm not sure if the OS will be a issue if it has never been updated. What can you tell me about the OS? Is yours the lateset OS? Do you have the SCSI interface? I have a SCSI card on my PC and I also have An Ext Plextor SCSI Burner so I am guessing I may want a SCSI Interface. Is there any EX5 PC software editors available? I downloaded the manual but I am a bit confused about the flash memory upgrade. Without it, are your samples lost after shutting down? Sorry for all the questions.
Ismellelephant said:
Thanks for the info. Brown truck is coming tomorrow so I'll see if I like it or not real soon

...brown is good...hmmmmm...speaking of brown:D ...