Yamaha AW1600 Help


New member
I have had analogue equipment before so I am not a complete amateur but I have recently purchased a Yamaha AW1600 digital multitracker and it is driving me mad! The manual is not particularly clear in my view but I am having difficulty in understanding the use of the onboard effects 1 and 2. Basically I am managing to record lets say input 1 onto track one and for example selecting effect 1 for reverb etc. That's easy so when I record and playback I can then hear the mix but you have to use the effects 2 knob to adjust the mix. (slightly confusing but I think I can understand that the return signal from the effects cannot go back to where it originated). The real problem I am having difficulty with is if I then record input 1 into channel 2 I cannot seem to be able to adjust the mix of the effect on playback i.e I can only hear the mix from channel 1. I have noted that BYPASS OFF has to be selected on the channel so that dosn't seem to be the problem.

So could someone tell me for example the procedure for the following

1)Record say a guitar on input one and track one with say chorus as the effect.

2) Record vocal on input 2 track 2 with say added reverb on the vocals.

3) Be able to hear and adjust the mix to both the effects settings on each track.

Or am I expecting too much of the machines capability, it does say you can use a maximum of two effects at any one time.

I have alot of questions to ask on the equipment so I wonder if there are many AW1600 owners out there. Another question for example is that the manual says that all settings are saved to the song, fine no problem. Then it refers to saving "scenes" and yet it dosn't actually tell you how! Are not the settings automatically saved when you save the song?

Any help would be appreciated
I had mine for awhile then traded it in but got got some good recordings.

I would recommend e-mailing yamaha . Their techs respond to you In about

a day. At first I must have e-mailed them for a month straight cause the

manual sucks. From what I remember you can insert or send the the

effects which ever one one choose after your tracks are recorded. (do not insert an effect on the input if you want just adjust it later)

chose the track you want and then then you can change the parameters

by recalling the effect. contact me if you have more questions
Aw 1600

Thanks for response and I will try out the method hou have said. I have also found a AW1600 users forum on the net so will give that a try also. Then there's Yamaha as you suggested.
dzara 4 said:
cause the manual sucks.
Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it 'sucks'.

Manuals are not meant to lead beginners by the hand thru the various steps of sitting down, plugging in the guitar and the headphones and recording your first track. The AW1600 manual is not written with the absolute beginner in mind. Anyone as loose witted as you must be to throw around the term 'sucks' would be much better off with a less sophisticated recorder.

ssscientist said:
Manuals are not meant to lead beginners by the hand thru the various steps of sitting down, plugging in the guitar and the headphones and recording your first track.

Why wouldn't it be?
Rico 52 said:
Why wouldn't it be?
The first chapter of the AW16g manual - the predecessor to the AW1600 and the one I own - is devoted to just that; a very basic, start-from-zero introduction to the machine and the concepts behind recording basics. But it is one of the shorter chapters in the manual because Yamaha assumes that if you've bought either the AW16g or the AW1600 you have some degree of recording knowledge.

My point is, if you are an absolute beginner the manual for the AW1600 may seem like it 'sucks' because it's over your head. That's anything but the case, and if I have a question I refer to the well indexed, well organized manual and have my answer right away.
