yamaha AW-1600


New member
So I haven't mentioned in my other threads that I have one of these because personally I hate it...


But while I was going through some old stuff that I recorded I noticed that it has a USB port and I started thinking... Is there a way that I could use the AW-1600 as an audio interface. I borrowed a USB printer cable from a friend (it had the right connections) and plugged it into my laptop that has audacity.... nothing. My wizard install thingy couldn't find the proper software. :(

The only way I could get the AW-1600 to show up on my computer was the use the USB "MASS STORAGE" function on the yamaha.I tried to import the individual tracks from the files into audacity, but only about a 15sec portion of the track would show up. :mad:

Am I walking down a dead street here? Or IS there a way that I could use the Yamaha AW-1600 as an audio interface? :confused:

Thanks.. sorry about all of the smilies... I'm tired :p
It won't do that.
The only time your computer will even see it is when you're in export/import mode. I was reading earlier this evening that the AW 2400 operated as a control surface via midi. But maybe I was reading it wrong.
Anyway: What is not to like about your machine?
It gets incredible reviews.
The only way I could get the AW-1600 to show up on my computer was the use the USB "MASS STORAGE" function on the Yamaha.I tried to import the individual tracks from the files into audacity, but only about a 15sec portion of the track would show up.
That's interesting.
When you go into the files, try a couple of different things.
vis. Drag and drop, copy and paste but make sure you put them into their own folder rather than into Audacity. Dropping them into Audacity just creates a link back to the files in the Yamaha (at least that's how it works with the Korg) thus when you break the connection, you lose the files.
That's interesting.
When you go into the files, try a couple of different things.
vis. Drag and drop, copy and paste but make sure you put them into their own folder rather than into Audacity. Dropping them into Audacity just creates a link back to the files in the Yamaha (at least that's how it works with the Korg) thus when you break the connection, you lose the files.

I will definitely try that, thanks!

To be honest I didn't like the setup... I'm lazy when comes to these things and there was too steep of a learning curve, especially with the way the menus work.

Now that I have more of a drive to record the yamaha is pretty beat up.:(
Let me know how it goes.
I have the Korg D3200 and it's a steep learning curve too.
Pity the Yamaha is beaten up.
By most accounts it's a great machine.
I have the Yamaha AW4416, one of the predecessors..

Apart from the stone age interfacing with other technology thing, it's a great machine... once you learn how to use it, but it can be a tad frustrating to learn...

Good luck!