Yamaha 2816 /mic problem

John LaGreca

New member
I just bought a Yamaha2816. Any mic I connect to the mic inputs sounds incredibly weak. Yes, I turned the phantom power on for the condenser mic. What am I missing?
I am very new at this. Please help!

I've used around a half dozen different mics with my 2816 (from SM58's to MXL V77 condenser) and haven't had too much trouble getting a good level. One thing I seem to forget about 75% of the time when setting up a mic to record is to move the fader on the input layer up to 0 db. For some reason the 2816 defaults the output fader to 0 but drops the input fader down when doing quick record. Just something I've encountered when trying to quickly set up a mic for someone.

The Green Hornet has had nothing but raves about the 2816 except for the user manual.

Perhaps we can also get some input from him. I have asked him several questions on the 2816 b/c I want one also but Nofrets sounds like has your awnser.
I have a 2816,always use an outboard pre though.
The levels were ok when I went direct,just a little weak.
Think I had to turn the pre up to 3/4 or more to get a decent signal.

You could always throw a compressor on it and raise the levels some more.
And raise the input channel above 0db till the noise gets too much.

You have a really good machine there,trust me your going to love it.

Thanks to you guys who answered me. I think I was goofing up somehow. I'm realizing now that if you hit the wrong button at the wrong time things just don't go right.
I am getting a handle on it though.
Any recommendations on preamps??