Yamah NS10

Sir Dingo

New member
got this message from a friend:

"I've blown the tweeter in one of my NS-10s - I think....

I bought them used a few years back and the previous owner had soldered fuses in the wiring as protection against blowing the tweeters. Now the tweeter doesn't work, but the fuse is still intact

Any ideas?"

I thought someone here might be electrically minded enough to help :-)

well i don't know specifics of the NS10, but the amps that a speaker can handle are:

I = sqrt(P/R)

where P is the speaker's power rating (watts), and R is its rated impedance.
Re: how big?

Sir Dingo said:
Do you know which Amp fuse should be used for this job?


You can always e-mail or call the yamaha Parts Dept. and ask them what type of fuse it's supposed to use:

Harvey Casey
Yamaha Corporation of America
Technical Support/Parts
(714) 522-9462, Please call Monday – Friday, between 8:30am – 5:00pm PST/PDT

P.S.The only replacement parts Yamaha list for the NS10's are the tweeter and woofer.No mention of a Fuse.....are you sure the guy didnt just rig it up with a fuse?:eek: Im not familar with the NS10's so I dont have a clue if they have fuses in them or not from the factory.Google doesnt turn up anything concerning the NS10's and a fuse....
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There is an easy fix to the problem. Take said NS 10's and throw them in the bin. Notice infiatly better sound
There is no fuse in the stock versions and it sounds like the fuse they put in was too weak. I was thinking about putting some fuses in mine but it seems like they either pop too often or not at all. I just be carefull about the levels and nobody else touches my volume knobs.
ummm. you mean the fuse was too strong, right? If the fuse was too weak it would have blown - probably long ago (and saved the tweeter), but the fuse was too strong and didn't blow :(

I know tha Yammy don't put in the fuses as stock. But NS10s are known for blowing tweeters when pushed. That's why a lot of studios put in the fuses as a safety measure.

Does ANYONE know exactly what size fuses should be used?

Dingo :)
What fuse was in it? I would go with one that is is a few amps smaller. If that one blows too often then put in a bigger one. You might try searching on Google to see if anyone has some articles about it. It should be pretty easy to find more info. The situation is different depending on the amp so even if someone says they used a certain fuse with the same power of amp it may not work the same for you. Trial and error is the process you will have to go through.

The bottom line is that the protection is usually either so severe as to be counter productive or not strong enough.
Yeah thank for the infos. I'll do a search and see what i come up with. If I don't have any luck, I guess I'll start with small fuses and work my way up from there. I don't reeally wanna give out 85 bucks everytime a tweeter blows :D

Dingo :)
Did you put a jumper across the fuse? Sometimes the fuses look ok even if they're blown.

I monitor plenty loud without pushing my NS10s. and Im using a 400w Phase Linear amp, the same one used by Alan Parsons for the Pink Floyd records.