XLR-TRS What's the difference?


New member
I was just wondering what the difference between an XLR hook up and a TRS hook up was. On the back of some monitors it has two hook ups, one is and XLR and the other is a TRS. Is on better than the other?
I was just wondering what the difference between an XLR hook up and a TRS hook up was. On the back of some monitors it has two hook ups, one is and XLR and the other is a TRS. Is on better than the other?
Not really. XLR/TRS = just different types of connector. Both should carry a balanced signal which is what you really want in the end, connectors be damned.

XLR are kinda better in a live environment, because they click in and "lock" (at least the better ones do) and are less prone to being accidentally knocked loose... not really an issue for monitors methinks.
You need to ensure if you're using the TRS "hook up" as you describe it, that you're using a balanced cable if you want a balanced connection.

If you're talking studio monitors in close proximity to whatever's feeding them in the signal, it may not make much difference.
