XLR or USB AT2020


New member
Hello There.

Making this quick. i own a AT2020 USB but i was thinking would i gain better sound or worse sound or really ANY thing if i get the AT2020 XLR then plugged in in via a Blue Microphones Icicle XLR-USB Microphone Adapter into my pc. Would i get less noise better sound overall or is it a waste of time and money?

And last little question if i got an XLR mic what would be a good starter amp/mix amp that would help stop my audio from peaking?

I would get the XLR version and then get a real audio interface (Focusrite, Steinberg etc).

Stop audio from peaking? Turn down the gain and record at lower level. Well... you can't probably do that with usb mic I guess?
USB mics rarely have any proper control over mic gain, and the noise figures are pretty poor, but usually get hidden by the mics being optimised for close talking. A proper mic, and a modest interface - will work better for a wider range of sources.