It's quite funny to think that this organ was probably more expensive than a 200 in the '60s, and now you can hardly give them away
Back around 2010, I had to go and pick up a Lowry organ from some old guy and drop it to a care facility. The people at the care facility didn't want it and they offered it to me for nothing. I'd had a Hammond organ that I'd had to sell about 9 years previously and I was drooling at the Lowry. It was so beautiful, I didn't even want to hear it or imagine the sound for the frustration of having to leave it behind. If I'd had the space, I'd've taken it like a shot. Alas....
Mind you, by then, I was experienced with Native Instrument's B4 and it was virtually as good as the real thing.
I'm surprised we haven't done away with pianos, acoustic guitars and drums while we're at it. It's so stupid
But they have ! I don't have the space for a piano so I have to make do with VSTis. But I'm insistent on real acoustic bass, drums and guitars. I've heard emulations so realistic, I couldn't tell the difference. But I want the real thing there, so although I seem to be pushing back on what you have been saying, in my heart, I'm with you all the way. I tried the electric drums, didn't like them so I sold it and re-bought an acoustic set. I was never going to get rid of the guitars but I was curious what a VSTi one sounded like. I've used the acoustic once {that was around 2006} and the electric once.
I think some VSTis are better than others. All manner of keyboards are pretty easy to emulate. Organs, pianos, synthesizers, mellotrons, electric pianos, clavinets etc are easy to disguise as real in a mix.
Why bother emulating it I say. It already exists!
Part of me wants to feel this way. But then, I examine my own evolving situation from 2001 when the kids started to come along and space was going to be an issue. Plus the fact that because I had it in mind to use dozens of different musical instruments in my music, either I was going to spend many frustrating and embarrassing moments chatting up drunk or stinky buskers or going to music colleges, trying to convince students to come all the way to where I live and contribute to my shitty songs for a meal at best and nothing at worst......or they were going to have to invent VSTis !
"They" made a wise choice and I don't have "stalker" on my rap sheet !!