WTC attacks song-NEW!!!!

kinda puts a lump in my throat.
sounds good. .. wasn't the best way to start my day however.

good job. .. the piano lick is tastefully done.. and has a very grim desperate feel.

Dream Theater fan?

Nice growling guitars.

.... the victim at the start may have reservations about havng her voice on there....

too early in the morning to comment about mixing. The tune's feel is to the point. .. it was a terrible event in world history.

.. now i need something more upbeat. later dude.
Pretty dark and interesting. The voices were almost too much, but then again, so was the event. This song definitly hit me. I'm working on a song about the attacks also. I've heard a few already, but this one is very effective.

thanks for the replies everyone....
i tried really hard on this song. yes i am a huge dream theater fan and the idea for this song was based on dream theaters "spacedye vest". now you know where i got my name from also. damn... all of my secrets are coming out now....
as for the womans voice in the beginning of the tune, her name is Mellisa Hughes and she did not survive the attacks.
hey mixmkr, how do you get your WAV samples so clear? that has been one of my biggest problems in some of my songs. whats the secret?
thanks for listening everyone.
Hey Spacedye,

Nice work on that tune man, made me tingle, which is a good thing. I think the mix is quite good and I like how everything builds up and then exhales smoothly. A really good tune overall. Listened to your other tracks as well, liked both "Forever at Sea" and "Stir", really good use of samples, but as you mentioned their quality is a little lacking, what software are you using to do your wave editing, if any that is? I know that I usually do quite a bit of processing on most samples I use, and I've used some that are of similar quality. "In the Sahdows" is also a cool track, but I think there may be a bit to much reverb on the drums and the guit doesn't really com out of the mix enough IMO. Overall good work though man and keep it up!

If you get a chance check out a couple of my tunes, also in the clinic-->especially "Streams" and "Czentre," thanks!

thanks tvaillan, your bookmark comment is the ultimate compliment....

thank you wilson. i think that was the effect i was going for.

does anyone think this song is radio worthy? im thinking of sending it to local radio stations.
what part of the island are you from? i think we may have some mutual friends.
i checked out some of your tunes and enjoyed what i heard.
i don't mean to sound like an ass...or anti this or whatever...I have nothing against USA, but song about the WTC stuff...well it's just...well, you know...just listen to that paul mccartney song--it sucks.


Moved to tears bro...

The use of the sound clips was both brilliant and powerful...

A very beautiful tribute...

You honored them well...


fenix said:
i don't mean to sound like an ass...or anti this or whatever...I have nothing against USA, but song about the WTC stuff...well it's just...well, you know...just listen to that paul mccartney song--it sucks.


you do sound like an asshole. Did you even listen to this song?
spacedye said:
what part of the island are you from? i think we may have some mutual friends.
i checked out some of your tunes and enjoyed what i heard.


West Islip, Suffolk County bro! And while I'm at it, let me give you another "great job" comment about your tune. "Hats off."

You know...

fenix said:
i don't mean to sound like an ass...or anti this or whatever...I have nothing against USA, but song about the WTC stuff...well it's just...well, you know...just listen to that paul mccartney song--it sucks.


This kind of response is unnecessary and cowardly...

Why couldn't you just listen to the song, and be an adult...

This isn't about the McCartney tune...this is Spacedye's personal reflection on the most horrible event in world history...and if YOU aren't moved by it, then fine, but to post such a heartless response is just mean-spirited...

Music is the universal language that can be inspired by love, hate, politics, war, loss...

So why not write about this event?

It's an inspired tribute, Spacedye, don't doubt it for a second...


Re: You know...

Sjonesmusic said:

reflection on the most horrible event in world history...

I'm not sure what qualifies as "the most horrible event in world history" but I can guarantee you this is not the most horrible event in world history.

It may be possible that is could be "the most horrible event in the United States history" I'm not sure, I'm still deciding. Then there's that word "history". Does this include all of history or recent history? If recent history, then yes, I agree this is "the most horrible event in the United States recent history". I say you take a couple college classes on REAL United States history. What I mean by "real" is what they don't teach you in high school, what they don't tell you on the news, what the government would rather you not know, etc.

Just some food for thought.
Here's some food for you...

fenix said:

I'm not sure what qualifies as "the most horrible event in world history" but I can guarantee you this is not the most horrible event in world history.

It may be possible that is could be "the most horrible event in the United States history" I'm not sure, I'm still deciding. Then there's that word "history". Does this include all of history or recent history? If recent history, then yes, I agree this is "the most horrible event in the United States recent history". I say you take a couple college classes on REAL United States history. What I mean by "real" is what they don't teach you in high school, what they don't tell you on the news, what the government would rather you not know, etc.

Just some food for thought.

Instead of reacting with humility, you have shown that you choose to be pedantic and tangential...

Whatever American or World history remembers about this event, and whatever it means in the grand scheme, your response is nothing more than an attempt to obscure your initial reply to this artist's work...which was a callous and poor choice...

THAT was what I was attempting to address, NOT "what they never taught me in school" or "what my Government is hiding"...

I would rather have an understanding and compassion for people, rather than a cynical and jaded attitude...

All I was saying was that you made a poor choice, and took the low road in your reply...

Grow up...people matter...

I wish you all the best in life and peace to you anyway,

Yeah, you're right. This thread was about this dude's song. I'll make new threads when I get off topic from now on.
Thank you...

fenix said:
Yeah, you're right. This thread was about this dude's song. I'll make new threads when I get off topic from now on.

No hard feelings...

I didn't care to be "right"...

But Spacedye put his heart into this music, as anyone does, and he deserved a measure of grace for his efforts...

I just want what is fair and kind...

I really appreciate your coming to this realization...

And in his other thread, too...

Peace to you,

Well Done


I'm the last person in the world who relates to the politics related to this, but the song impressed me.

outstanding things about this song;

1) well written, very good taste as related to a tragedy
2) excellent piano
3) nice cruel guitars at end
4) good use of 9/11 soundbites

Very well done
very sad actually, the voices
