WTB: Shure SM81, AT4040, Firestudio Mobile


New member
I am improving my recording gear, and need a few new things!

-Shure SM81 - any condition. Could be beat to shit, as long as it works alright. A pair would be nice.

-Audio Technica AT4040 - any condition. Same as above. A pair of these would also be considered.

-Firestudio Mobile - same as the above two.

Let me know if you have any of this!
No problem B ..... but it could easily take a week or so. I'm always on the road doing live shows then I have to have the time to go digging.
I know that I can put my hands on a pair of 94s quickly!

I'll have to pass on the 94s, though I appreciate the offer.

About how much would you be looking to get for the 81s if you can find them?
One million dollars <puts pinky to cheek>

I don't know let me try and find them first, then observe the condition of them.

I laughed out loud. Absolutely not kidding.

And - that line is from A.P. too (Somebody throw me a frickin' bone here!)

See the double complexity you accidentally created???

(Maybe you meant to do it.)