WTB: SG GUITAR- Les Paul type Clone


New member
Looking for an SG Type Guitar.

Epiphone Sg -set neck

Decent SG Clone

Would also consider one of the Agiles that were going around the board awhile back.

Please no high end stuff. Just a decent player.

Let me know whatcha got!

Thanks for looking.

Please Email me:


I'm near Shelby, NC
To paraphrase myself,

I'd never thought about selling, so I don't know exactly what I'd want for it.

I've been wanting another keyboard and another amp, so I'm going to look up the items you listed to see if they're anything I'd be interested in.

I'll get back with you. And if I forget, remind me.
Yo notCardio,

My email seems to be working OK now.

Email me and tell me what you actually have, OK?

No SG guitars for sale on Home-Rec?

Epi, clone, copy...

Agile guitars....

Maybe settle for a Les Paul copy?

Any one have any of above for sale????


Email me : zor@blueridge.net

I forgot to send you a pic and look your stuff up. I'm definitely ADD.

I'll work on the pic as soon as I get back from walking the dog.

If you don't get something from me in the next 2 hours, shoot me another reminder.

It would be really swell if you could email links to your keyboards, but if not that's OK, I'll try to remember to look them up.

Just out of curiousity, why won't you consider Epis? You can get one new for $150. Are you looking for hiher quality than an Epi, or something cheaper?