Writing songs and taking names


New member
Check out my newest mix, im the singer in this band. I just wanted you guys to slam me with criticism. I know I don't make the perfect mixes, so don't sugarcoat anything you find wrong. Also bash the song itself if you would like. I wrote the words in and the melody. If you don't like something I want to know. That is the only way I can ever get better at this stuff. THANKS FOR THE HELP!......it's very appreciated.

ps (you can tell me the things you like about it too)
boost up the mid frequencies on the guitars.. and I can't hear the snare :p ... bring it forth a bit .. use some dynamics processing on the snare then bring it up.. bring up the vocals too, and they sound off key in parts .. hmm.. maybe you could do an overall mix of this track.. take some time to hit those keys with your vocals..
I like the song. I really like the chord progression in the intro - it's something you don't hear everyday. I agree with ace's comments on the mix. The lead vocals sound a bit muddy to me, like an enhanced proximity effect. You could stand to boost some upper frequencies for more clarity. They could use some depth too - a little room 'verb wouldn't kill it. Nice bass parts. Good job overall.