write error when burning from Sonar? (newbie)


New member
HI, I am having a little trouble, and have tried to no avail to fix it. I am using Sonar to boost and eq some of our shows that were recorded on minidisc.

1. I can't get my MOTU to give a sensible (i.e. not all messed up) signal to Sonar. it's all garbly. so i'm stuck with soundblaster.

2. every minidisc goes into sonar, i can listen to it, and it's fine. there were a couple loud peaks that sounded like static or something on one recording, but it did play through it. however, when I export to .wav and burn with Nero, the buffer gets all used up at some point and it says there is a write error. once was on that static-y clip, and other times it is at a crescendo it seems ( i normalize, and have tried lowering 3db from normalization, could clipping create a data glitch?). i tried cutting the offending section, but the glitch just stayed, only a half second earlier. the cd plays fine to the error, then repeats the preceding five secs up to the error for the rest of the disc.

i do get usable tracks, but it sucks not being able to burn a certain song cause of this. is it just cause of the minidisc format? any tips/suggestions?

one more thing, what is that kind of scratchy, almost dirty vinyl needle sound that comes every 3/4 sec or so sometimes when I burn discs? I play it in my cd player, and some songs have it, some don't...
Hi djelf,

Firstly, Sonar is not the best choice for the task. I'd suggest getting an audio editor such as Soundforge, Wavelab or Cooledit since these are much more versatile.
Secondly, I doubt that your burning problems are related to audio. You can get a buffer underrun with any kind of data. How old is your burner (they tend to become unusable with time)? Do you run any other tasks while burning such as anti-virus soft, task scheduler or screen saver? Is the ASPI layer up to date? What OS you're using?
bamboo said:
Hi djelf,

Firstly, Sonar is not the best choice for the task. I'd suggest getting an audio editor such as Soundforge, Wavelab or Cooledit since these are much more versatile.
Secondly, I doubt that your burning problems are related to audio. You can get a buffer underrun with any kind of data. How old is your burner (they tend to become unusable with time)? Do you run any other tasks while burning such as anti-virus soft, task scheduler or screen saver? Is the ASPI layer up to date? What OS you're using?

Thanks for the reply. Well, I have sonar for multitracking, what do those others do so much better? I read up a lot, am mostly recording audio, thought about CEP, but maybe want midi at some point, and got a legal, upgradeable version for $170, so I went for it. Anyway, my burner is a Lite-on something or another (not at home right now), and I just got the system a few months back, have probably burned about 40 discs off of it. I am running XP Pro, have done most of the tweaking from xpmusic.com, I don't know what the ASPI layer is (?), but I don't run those other things, my monitor has a sleep function.

It's just that I export multiple times the same song, and each file error-reads at the same point in the song (song A will error read at 20:54 always, song B at 5:20 for example). This does not happen burning my multitracked stuff or recorded cds, only from this minidisc recorder (so far at least). I cut out the area with the error in the original sonar file, export again and the error occurs at the beginning of the cut (like I cut out a whole second, say 20:53.5-20:54.5 in song A, and the error just goes a 1/2 second earlier).

I feel I am using good enough equipment that I should be able to find a way through this snag, I just need to know how. Does Sonar suck at this kind of stuff?
Sence you already tried lowereing the level 3 db to compensate for the peak, how about if you ran it destructively through some plugin like an eq just to see if the processing spits out a burnable copy? Just a thought.

So far I like sonar fine for assembling and editing two track masters. Seems like most of the tools are already there.
thanks again! I'll try that bounce to trac, it sounds like a good idea. I have managed to get some of the songs to fly, but I waste so many cdr's checking to see if this or that works. Sometimes it seems like the end of the clip causes the read error. ex: the song ends, there's applause, then silence, and the clip ends with a little crackle, and repeats endlessly. so i do a fade, still there is this crackle that got thrown in at the end of the exported file. i though maybe it had to do with the effects tail or something, so I try to add some extra space, but it still won't get read properly by the burner. oh well.