wow, this is the strangest thing ever


New member
Ok maybe not the strangest, but it must be dealt with.

I'm in SX 3

I recorded a whole bunch of demos and for some reason whenever I open a file before it pops on the screen a window appears that says "the samplerate has been changed to 44100." i click ok, and the pitch is shifted up a few semitones.
if i change the project sample rate to 48kHz, it converts all the files and the pitch is proper again. before i do that, even my MIDI instruments pitches are all off.

the thing is, im pretty sure i recorded in 44.1 also. when i open up the waves in another program and get info on the files, it says they were sampled at 44.1. anyone have any clue what's going on here? i'm calling steinberg tomorrow, but i was hoping someone here might have an idea of what's going on or how to fix this. i can't change my sample rate to 48 every time i open a project nor do i really want to be recording in 48...
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FIXED IT - Sorry everyone. Somehow the sampling rate on my mbox changed so there was a conflict within cubase. its all better now. thanks for playing.