Wow, that's a great price? Uh... what is it?

a modified dog

New member
I recently went up and down through Steinberg's site looking for info on Cubase Project Pack and found nothing other than a scant description. Is there any place I can go to get more info and perhaps compare to other products?
first of all, there are 2 different products that you could be referring to - the Cubasis VST Project Pack and the Cubase VST Studio Pack. which one are ya interested in??

if it's cubasis VST project pack = try this site:

if it's cubase VST studio pack = try this site:

this site has both:

since the specs are at both of these sites - I would think that you can compare with other products by doing some basic internet searching

hope this helps
Thanks for the info. I was looking for Cubasis VST Project Pack. I'd seen it somewhere for $99, which is great for a starter recording software with an audio card. Unfortunately for me, even if I can find it at that price again, Steinberg has a disclaimer for the card if one has a PC with a VIA chipset. My AMD athlon system falls under that, so tough luck for me.