Would you recommend these amps my Monitors??


New member
so i have a Behringer B2030P http://www.behringer.com/B2030P/index.cfm?lang=eng and i am looking to get some amps for it. let me add i am not too sure about how the specs work as i am new to home recording....i have seen these Alpine car amps for a good price http://www.alpine-usa.com/US-en/products/product.php?model=MRP-F250 not sure if i can use car amps for a studio but excuse my lack of knowledge here...pls i need some advice as to whther this is a good combination...pls let me know..if not...i can do with some suggestion for amps

thanks a lot
well you are useing behringer speakers so iguess alpine amps couldn't hurt that much... but it's gonna be a big pain in the ass modifieing them to work on AC rather that 12vDC... if you're that strapped for cash check out good used stereo gear to drive them...
Yeah second that.
You can just go to a pawn shop. Last week in my local store I saw an Alesis Reference ..... the old one that's 100w per ch last week for $100. That's a passably decent amp.
I buy all my outside and garage stuff that's gonna get ruined by weather at pawnshops. Typically you can get a CD player for 10-15 dollars ...... receivers run around 60-100 and some of them have removable links so you can bypass the front end and go direct into the power amp.
And even if you have to go thru the front end ...... I think they would do better than car stuff which has been designed for a different sort of use.
so typically...what specs am i looking for? becos the monitors are 100w each.....i know i shouldnt get anything higher...but how low can i get? 60w, 75w?? thanks
well ..... you're definitely gonna get a few people that are gonna insist that your amp has to put out more power than your speaker capacity but as a practical matter for monitoring use ..... I'd say at least 75w per ch. should do it.
I agree also, do not get the Alpine car amp. You can definitely get something more practical and cheaper by just buying a decent stereo receiver. Do you have a best buy/circuit city around?
Yeah second that.
Last week in my local store I saw an Alesis Reference ..... the old one that's 100w per ch last week for $100. That's a passably decent amp.
I buy all my outside and garage stuff that's gonna get ruined by weather at pawnshops. Typically you can get a CD player for 10-15 dollars ...... receivers run around 60-100 and some of them have removable links so you can bypass the front end and go direct into the power amp.
And even if you have to go thru the front end ...... I think they would do better than car stuff which has been designed for a different sort of use.

yes, i saw used Alesis RA-100 at GC last weekend, for a very nice price at GC..cheap..i think around $79 plus tax..

I had one or two, never an issue...now for the money used, seems a great deal. weren't they $199 new? I forget.

the Active Monitors are "in"...so I guess, great deals on passive stuff.

That Alpine will require p.s., and more, probably 4ohm, and its $230!
I think you can do better and cheaper.
try craigslist... the audiofools change there shit all the time... ya never know whatcha gonna find there...