Would you consider buying a used microphone post COVID?


It is a life preserver
OrigSalePrice $399. Used $212 curbside. But is it worth it?

Even Open Box items would have me suspicious.

You are not supposed to live like that. I never have. Last night this dude died in less than 24hrs they said on the news. New strains more contagious. What strange bug is it gonna be infested with.

This sucks.
I'd snap up a bargain mic. Looking at the Government figures, the safe time for the virus to become safe on a surface is 7 days. Some surfaces are safe quicker, and some very quickly. So me personally would buy a bargain mic, and simply take the time it was dispatched and not sniff it for a week end to end. I'd NOT try to sanitise it for fear of damage, so I'd just isolated it for the period then smile a lot at my bargain.
Covid would be the least of my worries with a used mic. It would be dead and gone long before I ever used it. For a condenser mic, you can always disassemble and clean the windscreen if you're severely OCD. A quick dip in isopropanol will kill anything in the screen. Let it dry completely and reassemble.
Alcohol kills viruses. Drink whiskey before singing.

All kidding aside, I wouldn't have a problem with purchasing a used mic. If you have doubts, you can wipe it with isopropyl alcohol. or simply leave it in the sun for a few hours. The UV light will kill the virus, too.
I give most used purchases an alcohol wipe around the outsides anyway but my covid deliveries practice is if it can get wet it gets a soapy wash or an alcohol wipe-down - If not it's set aside for three days.

I wouldn't be any more concerned about a used mic than I would be about anything else I'm buying.
Beak mans got a plan..

I hear you can take a bedroom humidifier and fill it with 80 % alcohol . Place the object to be disinfected in the mist..
Beak mans got a plan..

I hear you can take a bedroom humidifier and fill it with 80 % alcohol . Place the object to be disinfected in the mist..

Umm, I would be careful with that. the flash point is extremely low... 11c. The vapor cloud is invisible and can migrate quickly throughout your room. Any little spark from anything could cause it to ignite.

Best to just wipe it down instead of vaporizing IPA. Or drink whiskey.
Yeah, I wouldn't sweat it. I kinda wonder about bubble wrap on packaging that came from China. I used to pop them as a stress relief. Now they just go in the trash just in case...

My wife has a online used clothing store. She shops with mask and gloves. Leaves the stuff in trunk on sunny day, lay out in sun on the porch, and spray with disinfectant before packaging. With the same bubble wrap bought at Wallmart that likely made in China... Hmm...


I don't think it an issue even though I just tested positive for covid. That was because I had contact with homeowners I was working for that got it from friends. No severe symptoms in my family so far.
Yeah, I wouldn't sweat it. I kinda wonder about bubble wrap on packaging that came from China. I used to pop them as a stress relief. Now they just go in the trash just in case...

Its the little things ..

Yeah, I passed on it. Yes, because of covid.

My microphone locker is ok. Cant complain too much. I got enough variety to try many techniques. 5 or 6 mics.

Beyer M88 Dynamic Hypercardio
Beyer M160 Dual Ribbon Hypercardio
AKG P420 LDC Multipattern Cardio/8/Omni (transformer circuit)
NT-1a LDC Cardio (w/o transformer)
Senn e609 Dynamic Super cardio
Shure SM58 Basic Cardio

What is missing?

Already tried the SM7B and 414XLSII
I just tested positive for covid. .

Sucks man.

July, I had surgery scheduled . Had a cough so they screened me. Indeterminate Negative, and 2 weeks indeterminate negative. They let me get the surgery in like Aug. It ruins everything. Still no friggin clue if I even had it.
I’d buy a used mic in a second post covid world

Hell, I survived running an hourly rehearsal studio in Hollywood with some of the nastiest unclean bands ever.

We’d have to take the baskets off of the SM 58s and soak em in rubbing alcohol over nite and clean them with a toothbrush they were that nasty. Lol it’s funny now though.
I sold a couple mics to a friend and she didn't even bat an eye, but we know the mics were never out of my house and we're both pretty fanatical about following health guidelines.

But, personally, I wouldn't be too bothered by it any more than before - I've generally stuck with more "open box" kind of purchases for condensers (though I do have one that lived a rough life in a live show drum kit world simply because it was such a sad little thing and the price was right :)). SM58s I'd just run through the dishwasher...