would this be a good deal?


New member
I'm just starting to put together a home studio and looking to get a mike for recording acoustic guitars, mainly folk and blues style. The guitar is a Martin D-21.

There's a studio selling off used equipment near me and they have an AKG 3000B on offer for $150.00. I'm not sure of the condition, i wanted to get some opinions on the mike before contacting them about it.

Would this be a good mike for this application?

What would the pros and cons be?

Nice price for a "not nice" mic. The 2000 is a much more usable mic. For acoustic stuff, I would recommend a pair of small condensers, rather than a large (or med)
even a pair of niaints work well for cheap, though I really prefer oktava Mk012's
Shure 81's are also great but might be too much $
There's a lot of folks that hate that mic. I've only seen it used on a bluegrass clip on youtube, and it didn't seem ill suited for that application. It's no C414 or anything. And for that cash, you could probably get something better.
OK, Thanks for the info, sounds like i'll be giving the AKG a pass.

They have a couple of DI boxes that I'll probably pick up for $35 each, so at least it's not a total wash.

How about thoughts on an Audix i-5 mic? They have one of those going for $40.

Or Sterling Audio st31? they have 2 of those going for $40 each.
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grab the audix, pass on the sterling

again, the caveat here is YMMV, some folks like and use the AKG and the sterling, you'd be surprised what good sounds come out of cheap mics fron guys that know how to use a mic...i.e. Harvey gets amazing cuts with less than pricey mics
I understand the YMMV vary part, that's sort of why I was asking about the pros and cons of each of the mics.

Why would you steer clear of the st31 and go for the audix?

What about the audix is better suited than the st1?
Found the sterling brittle and lacking body, the audix is a great dynamic. If you are thinking acoustic, I don't like either one
Ok thanks for the clarification, that's a huge help.

If neither is preferred for acoustic work, though, what application would the Audix fill?
At a minimum you could resale the i5 for $60. That seems to be the going rate on craigslist in my region. I have one that I've tried offloading because I don't really have need for a dynamic at the moment. Plus I need the cash for other things like CD/DVD labels and stuff. It's just kind of hard to offload in this economy since there's at least a half dozen others also trying to offload their i5's in my region. Which doesn't mean that it's a bad mic, just that it's popular. Which is a good thing.

Many like the i5 as a goto mic for snare drum. I find it pretty good for a lot of things, but I have other mics that are better for those things. So it sits all lonely like in a corner most of the time. Makes me feel like an animal shop owner or something. Poor little good mic, it deserves a good home, just not mine...