would love some feedback on my recording - Wishes


New member
Hi all.
This is my band's song called Wishes. We are very new to the recording game, but have had some brilliant help for another one of our recordings on these forums. So please listen, comment (no matter whether you like it or not, I'd take all your feedback seriously) and of course, enjoy!

Latest version of the song:
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The vocals are really nice on this recording. Dominant but not annoyingly so. I think the drum level was ok. The guitar/etc were good too but every so often I found myself looking for more volume. Then the cool vocals grabbed my attention again :-)
Nice work,
The overall mix fits nicely together. I wondered if the hi-hat was a little distorted? I'm listening on a small set of near-field monitors and it just seemed to stick out a little. Maybe just me. The rest of the drums seemed a tiny bit muffled in comparison.
As I say, overall really nice and hope my comments help.
the singer sounds like he's holding back a bit, and i recall you saying you guys were young in a different post... tell him not to be afraid to get loud because it sounds like he's holding back

However this is a much better mix than the one from before, i still think its a bit bass heavy and the guitar could come up a bit.
thanks everyone. I will look into the hi-hat, I didnt think it was distorted on my monitors, but I could agree maybe a little loud. i'll look at my EQ of the rest of the drums. and CMB, as always you seem to hit these things right on the head. I agree with you, because I noticed while we were recording. I dont think he's shy or anything, but we are using a pair of Shure in-ears for monitoring when we are recording vocals. Seeing as these block out at least 38 db of sound, I find if I put the headphone level where he wants it, he tends to sing softer because he cannot hear himself per say. Besides just telling him, do you ahve any suggestions to really make him sing differently? And the bass heaviness is probably due to the slight lack of bass in my monitors.

I'm not trying to make any excuses, really I'm just agreeing with you :) I'll tinker some more
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in the end it all has to do with singer confidence. i know most singers would prefer a standard set of studio headphones which you can find some cheap ones to suffice for around 50 bucks id say... might be better than the in ear solution you have now and it will feel more legit to the singer which might boost his confidence aswell.

the bassiness may be due to the monitors not being very bassy, it may also be the room of which you are mixing... i used to mix in a basement and all my mixes would have some serious issue in the low tones. once i got out of the basement into a 12x16 iso room, it became a whole lot better.

i dont think your making excuses, frequency response of your monitors plays a big role on the outcome of your mix.
in the end it all has to do with singer confidence. i know most singers would prefer a standard set of studio headphones which you can find some cheap ones to suffice for around 50 bucks id say... might be better than the in ear solution you have now and it will feel more legit to the singer which might boost his confidence aswell.

the bassiness may be due to the monitors not being very bassy, it may also be the room of which you are mixing... i used to mix in a basement and all my mixes would have some serious issue in the low tones. once i got out of the basement into a 12x16 iso room, it became a whole lot better.

i don't think your making excuses, frequency response of your monitors plays a big role on the outcome of your mix.
haha sorry, I mean NOT trying to make excuses. yes, well at the moment I'm just in my bedroom. I am busy turning my music room into a studio, hanging heavy curtains and such. I hope it will help. as for the headphones, is there any particular reason they need to be studio headphones? I have a pair of normal computer headphones, which obviously don't touch the quality of the shures, but thinking about it, if all he needs is to hear the rest of the song, I cant see why it would matter.
I liked the singer's voice.

I didn't care for the bass tone. A little to "rubbery". Just some boing in it that I didn't like. Also may have a low end problem - boomy low ends.

The snare is kind of killing the mix. The drums are a bit programmy, but aside from that, the snare is really dull. Sounds like the drummer is somehow hitting a snare in the next room
I have taken all the feedback and tried to apply it as best as possible. I am much happier where with the track is now. As always please be honest!

dont really want to bump my own thread, but this is the stage where I would really like to know if I must keep working on this song, or if everyone else agrees it sounds right where it is. thanks :)