Would like feedback on songs.

Your close.....lots of individualism. That is good.

It sounds like you have some tempo issues to work out.

Drummer has potential, but is not in rhythm all the time.

Singer would do well add tonal variety. Sing stronger and from diaphram. And loosen up.

Rhythm guitar is lacking complexity.
Learn to pick individual strings instead of whole chords all the time. That gets boring.
Use melodies that compliment the singer's melodies.

Your composition is typical of a young band. There is room for improvement here as well.

Dont give up.

I know I am tough. You will thank me for it later.

Yeah, I'm out of time some of the time. I had to have the guitar player play his part first, because I didn't have the drum part down yet and the guitar player couldnt play with a tempo. Which is not the best way to do it. Thanks for the feedback though.
were gonna retry it in tempo i one of the guitar players in this band and the singer. let us know everything.do you think it's good enough for anything
Here's some good advice for you. Get as GOOD AS POSSIBLE at singing, playing your instruments before you consider yourselves worthy of making a cd or getting a recording contract. Are you playing live gigs to full houses? Are you making money on the local gig circuit where you live? If you answered yes then I guess it's time to make a demo for a record deal, but if the answer is no, you should be focusing on your craft. You guys have potential, all future diamonds need to be polished before they are sold. :)