Worth getting a dedicated vocal mic?


New member
Good day all,

im currently selling off a whole bunch of gear, including my old 8 track, to go into some nice computer recording. What i looking at getting so far (mic wise) is as follows. BTW im going to be recording mostly my band (2 guitar, bass, keys and kit)

few sm 57s and 58s (already have)
beta 52
2 x jm27s

just wondering, i dont have a vocal booth, just a small corner somewhat treated and ill be using a firepod interface, is it worth going out and getting a dedicated vocal mic (also one i could do some guitar cab miking aswell) or what would be best to use of that bunch. and i know its been discussed a bunch of times, but value for money, does that basic mic setup look decent? different overheads? maybe a better snare mic?

I recently got a pair of jm27's and just got the mxl anniversary pack (2001/603) today. I was expecting the jm27 and 603 to sound very similar. They don't! I've only compared them on my acoustic guitar so far but the 603 beats it out hands down. Huge difference! I'm trying to get a hold of a mc/mk012 or two to compare with. When I do, I'll post some comparison recordings of the 603, jm27, and mc/mk012. For now, I'll just say that the JM27's will go to ebay after the comparison or maybe add a diy 603 type circuit? Hmmm........
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Broken record time... I would look into an SM7. You already have SM57s which are fine snare mics... but an SM7 will work well on so many things... vocals, cabs, percussion, bass, kick, 100 other things. An SM7 and an AT4050 are my personal desert island picks as I find the SM7 can do everything an SM57 can do and often times better. It just isn't cost effective to have 12 SM7s laying around where as SM57s are a dime a dozen (well, at least a lot cheaper than an SM7). That and an SM7 gets bulky.
bubbagump said:
Broken record time... I would look into an SM7. You already have SM57s which are fine snare mics... but an SM7 will work well on so many things... vocals, cabs, percussion, bass, kick, 100 other things. An SM7 and an AT4050 are my personal desert island picks as I find the SM7 can do everything an SM57 can do and often times better. It just isn't cost effective to have 12 SM7s laying around where as SM57s are a dime a dozen (well, at least a lot cheaper than an SM7). That and an SM7 gets bulky.

I think that he meant his mic list are mics that he plans to get. I really need to try out a sm7. I keep hearing about them over and over again.
theboy said:
few sm 57s and 58s (already have)

He's got some 57s/58s already.

As for the SM7, by itself it may be an underwhelming experience.... but in mix it is a beautiful thing. So many folks miss that in mic selection... that's why some of the cheap mics are so apt to exaggerate things as it sounds great in the store and soloed... but not so great in a mix many times.