Worst Recordings - post the stuff that you would rather forget.

I would call this one a good or decent recording but done on the same 488 mkII and when I was learning about recording techniques without relying on going into a studio and have it done for me as in previous years and not an x14!in a basement. All tracks by me and learned most of the things in a still-learning mix/production from this site. This was about 2 years after the previous some posted. Simple 12 bar original just to teach myself multi-tracking and mixing and production. I have different vocal characters I use that come naturally so this one is my heavy blues style as opposed to the cleaner vox before. The drums by me (so they are simple) but tracked live in an Alesis DM pro kit. Nothing fabricated in this song. I think a maybe bounced two of the tracks to a single but can’t remember which.

Edit: I doubled the vox then bounced to a single track. I learned after the fact not to delete the click track until after everything which is why the end is a little wommpy timewise. Nothing ITB and mixed/digitized to a TASCAM Cdrw 700 (that I still have in storage(. Fun stuff and learning journey 🤟
The beginning guitar has that Bad Case of Lovin' You thing... Good un'
View attachment 140413This was another recorded in the drummer's basement with two SM58's in the middle of the room going into the 2-track R-R. This is the only version of this song, we never played this one again. Since then (1976), I have only performed this as a solo performer on acoustic and in a different arrangement. Sometimes I sing, sometimes I don't. I don't have a recording of that version. . yet.
OK that kinda qualifies. I hear the 8 miles high thing too.
I would call this one a good or decent recording but done on the same 488 mkII and when I was learning about recording techniques without relying on going into a studio and have it done for me as in previous years and not an x14!in a basement. All tracks by me and learned most of the things in a still-learning mix/production from this site. This was about 2 years after the previous some posted. Simple 12 bar original just to teach myself multi-tracking and mixing and production. I have different vocal characters I use that come naturally so this one is my heavy blues style as opposed to the cleaner vox before. The drums by me (so they are simple) but tracked live in an Alesis DM pro kit. Nothing fabricated in this song. I think a maybe bounced two of the tracks to a single but can’t remember which.

Edit: I doubled the vox then bounced to a single track. I learned after the fact not to delete the click track until after everything which is why the end is a little wommpy timewise. Nothing ITB and mixed/digitized to a TASCAM Cdrw 700 (that I still have in storage(. Fun stuff and learning journey 🤟
Vince? Is that you?
Okay you guys all suck...at following the rules but what should we expect, eh? Nuthin terrible here. I've got one that may win but I have to copy it off another machine. Bear with...
Okay this really is embarrassing. I think it was my first stab at digital recording with a Cubase crack, a Pod and some VSTs and plugs and such. A horrid mess. I defy any of you to hear it through. You'll hate me after. 8+ minutes you will never get back.
Damn dude! That’s some hippy ass trippy shit! How much acid did you do on that day?
Okay this really is embarrassing. I think it was my first stab at digital recording with a Cubase crack, a Pod and some VSTs and plugs and such. A horrid mess. I defy any of you to hear it through. You'll hate me after. 8+ minutes you will never get back.
Kinda chaotic...
The beginning had me thinking it could fit in as background to an opening movie scene... like a rogue cop flick or something.
Off the wall, sorta jazz/rock chaos...
Nah... Rob still has us beat... 😁
I have a couple others that aren't quite as bad but still pretty terrible. For some reason they are only on CD now so I will have to rectify that if only for posterity's sake. The funny thing is that no sooner had I gotten started with Home Recording than I joined a band and was otherwise occupied for the next ten years. We pretty much sucked but that's another story. The upshot is that I never really did much recording on my own after that so I am quite ignorant and inexperienced still. I hope to rectify that as I creep into retirement but who knows where it goes?
I have a couple others that aren't quite as bad but still pretty terrible. For some reason they are only on CD now so I will have to rectify that if only for posterity's sake. The funny thing is that no sooner had I gotten started with Home Recording than I joined a band and was otherwise occupied for the next ten years. We pretty much sucked but that's another story. The upshot is that I never really did much recording on my own after that so I am quite ignorant and inexperienced still. I hope to rectify that as I creep into retirement but who knows where it goes?
I hate to say it but I kind of enjoyed it.

One common theme here is how people think their music is much worse than others think it is.