wooden floors & acoustics


New member
people think they've got wooden floors when in actual fact they've got wooden planks on battens on concrete floors ? how is this different re Accoustics, and what ideally is wooden floors. :confused:

Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy
It's the reflective quality that's really important, and not the substrate. "Wood floors" are not to be contrasted with "sort of wood floors", but with "carpeted floors."
Even wooden floors on battens on top of concrete will give the same reflective quality. It's the final product, not what's under it...

EDIT: concrete under the wood floor will come into play when you are talking about outside noises leaking in. Not much for acoustics...
which wood is good wood Heh!

Thanks guys what is a good general type of wood to use as accoustic floor I was thinking Bamboo on accoustic underlay or floating on batterns on concrete I have herd the floating bamboo and its great but very amplifed. do different types of rooms require different floors eg drum rooms live rooms.
Wood floors are almost always oak, for strength. I don't know why you'd want bamboo underneath, unless you want a trampoline.
I have oak and maple wood floors in my house. I have not recorded much in the maple room. the only time i recorded in the maple room i had dead strings on, and the floor was just layed down. The oak room seems more lively, may not even be related to the wood type though. I may try a comparison in the next few days.

I edited this because what i had typed before didnt make any sense.
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cheers yes I do want a trampoline thats why I asked I have experienced the bamboo on batterns the sound is great but like roy could also be the room. but alas I couldnt get much air time when playing my guitar. for your info the bamboo is cut into about 6 inches long by about 2 inches accross glued together to somthing like 6x6 kinda like tiles these where then nailed onto baterns (pine or something) to lift off concrete to give suspension effect or trampoline effect heh heh convenienty cheep aswell.