WMA to MP3?


New member
I know this has to be answered somewhere but since I can search… Can someone recommend a free program to encode wma to MP3?
any reason in particular? just lettin you know that each time you encode from one format to another, you are gonna get some degradation in quality. that said apple's itunes will convert for you, and it's free.
check this:

be careful of spyware, I haven't tried it, but I needed something like this last year for a client, so look around there, download dot com is cool, again, be careful. Sorry I can't remember what I used, but it should be free, so search smartly.
Scroll through, some trials don't support higher bit rates, just try a few, it's a pain, but you gotta look hard for free stuff.
also try hitsquad.com
boatload of free and shareware utilities in the music section.
if you put in googles search engine the word FREE plus whatever your looking for this will link you up as well.
Basically the reason for the conversion.

I am trying to record the sermons for my church. I don’t want to use Sonar (my main recording software) because once I get it into Sonar I’ll spend days editing it and it’s not worth it.

A friend of my recommended using Windows Movie Maker which records to WMA. The WMA is too large so I was hoping to convert it into a lower quality MP3. I hear .rmas are larger but that would require everyone to have Real Player. I don’t know that the people will be able to download files much less install Real Player. I have also considered dropping the $20 for Musicmatch Jukebox and just record directly to MP3.

What I have found is that Goldwave will convert WMA to MP3. Goldwave will also record to WAV and it would be easier to just use Goldwave for everything. Except, now that I’m recording to .WAV why don’t I just use Sonar.

Any suggestions?