Wiring problem - BUZZ!


New member
I just finished my home studio and made some final connections to the audio wiring between the two rooms. The "in-wall" cable is Gepco and the wall plates are TecNec XLR-6.

I've used multi-pair cable and each pair contains three wires: black, red and ground (silver w/o shielding). I've made my solder connections as follows: red (pin 2), black (pin 3), and ground (pin 1).

My test: I plugged a Shure SM57 into channel 1 on the live side. Ran XLR out of CH1 on studio side into a Digi001. I hear 75% BUZZ and 25% voice. The same happens on CH2-6.

I know the DIGI, mic and XLR cable works fine b/c I used each prior to connecting the "in-wall" wiring. Must be something in the walls or perhaps my soldering. Suggestions? PLEASE HELP!!!
Sounds like it could be a ground problem or a bad connection somewhere, try disconnecting the ground on the wall plate, it that dosn't fix the problem check all your connections.(Re-melt the soder)

Actually I just read you post over and I missed something the first time around... There must be a shield around the pairs(actually 3 wires, red, black and ground)... your going to have to shell out for some better cable...
If you have a volt/ohm meter you can trouble shoot your work. The pin out is correct and as long as you don't have anything shorted or a cold solder joint, it'll work.
Good point as running parrallel along with power cables can induce hum but from what he describes it sounds like either a short or open circuit and not induced hum.
Garak - You might be onto something. As I mentioned, I'm using multi-pair cable.. in this case 6 pair. I've pulled back the outside shield and I see each of the six pair plus one silver ground wire. I failed to mention this wire earlier.

Inside of each channel is three wires (red, black, siver).

Am I supposed to connect the main ground to the wallplate?

DigitalDon & Track Rat -

All of this is new construction (based on my learnings from this site among other articles/books). I took extra precaution on the wiring and made sure all audio and AC cables are not running parrallel.

Get a volt meter and check the thru wall snake to make sure you haven't inadvertently reversed the 1+ 3 pins on one end of your snake.

it's not that hard to make this mistake when soldering because the pin layout of the 1+3 pins are reversed on the male and female ends -that is, as you look at them in a vise clamp while soldering.

In other words, if you soldered them all at once ( male and female ends) , put each into a vice and soldered- say, red to top left, silver to top right, and black to bottom, on both ends- they will end up reversed, and could possibly give the results you've described here.

Just a guess..


speaking of checking wiring:
How can I check stuff like continuity and things like that when I can't access both ends at once. For instance in an installation with the snake under the floor so I can't check both ends with a multimeter...

Use a cable that you have checked to be good and plug it into one end and bring that with you when you check the other end.
Once again, the BBS has helped me find the error of my ways.

Dan - you were 100% correct, I looked at the pin #s on the male side and wired the female side with the same pattern... but it should be the opposite as you pointed out.

Just like a female..... :-)


PS: I should have pics of my new studio within a couple days.
Thanks "highway pie"!

Like duh, like could some one tell me why my mixer doesn't have a "whip" button?, like uh, do bulletin board threads come on spools? O sea, pues mira...

