
Passing Thru

New member

My Latest Mix "WindShield"

This is the tenative last track on the CD my bands working on now...

Any thoughts appreciated, I'm new here....

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I like the ac and el guitar sounds, drums, bass, BG vocal. Mix balance sounds good in levels and EQ. I like the contrasts in the arrangement's sections. The main vocal's got a good emotional delivery, very pitchy though - flat much of the time. Listening now... nice lead gtr playing... is that a glitch at about 4:13? I'm only mentioning because it's the only spot and the rest of the guitar is quite well done.

Great song. If it were mine I'd retrack the main vocal and edit that one guitar spot to really nail it.

Great sounding song but yes, vocals need another take. Try singing along with a piano playing the notes. Thats what I do sometimes when I'm trying to learn a new song and it helps me. You have a good voice though.
I like your lead sound and playing, great job!
Cool song. Great dynamics and emotion. I have to agree with everyone else on the vocals being a pitchy (Lead and bax). I find the snare lacks some highs, it's a bit boxy, and I can't hear the kik drum...but I'm a drummer, so take it with a grain of salt. Great song.
This does have a real nice feel to it, very clean sounding recording.

The pitch thing really does need some attention though, I know the vocal has that laid back, careless feel, I think it got a little too laid back! Although it all sounds good when the higher harmonies come in, in the second chorus I think, they sound good.

The guitar work is good too, but there is one note in there that's suspect, maybe if I heard it a few more times I'd get used to it, but on first listen it stood out. My theory ear said 'whoa!' If the song is in Em (I think it is??), there is a quick c# over a C chord I think, just before it goes all speedy and rocky, from memory...

Anyway, good work!
First off, nice voice. You seemed to capture it well. Very full sounds. I like the tune, and can't say anything more than what has already been said.

Good job.
Great Song!!
The singer has a very good voice, dynamic and heartfelt. Guitar solos are awesome.

Must agree with the others here about the sometimes flat singing. Maybe spend an extra hour or two and take it in smaller chunks?

The drums have a somewhat 'distant' sound to them that probably has more to do with the way it was recorded than it was mixed.

All around nice job!!!!