Windows Volume Control?


New member
Hi all! This may be a really dumb question, but everything I have read in the N-Track manual refers to using the Windows volume control (file sndvol32.exe.) for setting the N-Track recording level. I'm a noob (as you can probably tell) and have just set up my little system this week:

Instruments and mics---> Behringer UB1202--->M-Audio Audiophile USB--->computer.

Everything seems to be working OK, except when I try to set the recording and playback levels via the above-referenced Windows function. Displays the M-Audio unit OK, but gives me a "there is a problem with your sound device" message if I try to adjust anything. However, N-track records and I can playback OK, but I can't adjust the levels through the software. So, what gives? Any idea why this is happening and should I worry about it or just set my recording and playback levels via the hardware mixer? Am I mildly stressing for nothing?

Thanks for whatever help or solace you can provide.
Definately set your levels through your hardware mixer, not the windows mixer. If further problems persist come on back!