windows laptop users, help!


New member
I'm trying to get a decent recording system with my Dell Latitude D610- I tried Mackie's Onyx Satellite, but the phantom power caused a very loud hum, so I shipped it back. Then I tried EMU 1616 cardbus, but the card gets so hot within 45 minutes or so that it stops working. So I'm shipping THAT back. My last hopes are:

1) presonus firepod: heard great things about the mic pres, and I know of at least one other windows XP laptop user that uses this with no problems.

2) MOTU ultralite: more portable, and has MOTU's reputation for quality- BUT, I'm concerned that most MOTU users are Apple uses.

any comments/help/suggestions??? thanks!
HelloKitty said:
BUT, I'm concerned that most MOTU users are Apple uses.
In my humble opinion that's one of the last things that should concern you.

They make a PC version of the Ultralite for the PC computer and for PC users like you and me. Their customer service line may go to different desks within the company but the quality control and level of attention to detal will be the same whether you're a Mac or PC user...

I have no experience with the ultralite, but I have a MOTU 828mkii that I use almost exclusively with my PC laptop and desktop. Very stable drivers in my experience.
HelloKitty said:
2) MOTU ultralite: more portable, and has MOTU's reputation for quality- BUT, I'm concerned that most MOTU users are Apple uses.

am i the only one who sees the connection;


not my words, i just quoted it :rolleyes: :D :D :D :D

but for your PC problems- when you say it's getting hot, is it the card itself. your laptop needs to be properly venting- i sometimes put my ibook on top of a stack of post-it notes, that is, 4 stacks, one supporting each corner. you need to get airflow underneath laptops, especially when you are running intensive tasks.
Motu bad on PC is garbage.

Been running an 828mkII daisy-chained to Glyph firewire drive on a Gateway P4 XP laptop for a year now. ZERO problems.
I apologize for my terse description of my 2nd 'concern'- I didn't mean to imply that I had heard anything bad about MOTU hardware on windows machines- it's just I didn't really read/hear much at all about the combination, so it was more of an unknown to me. I really wish I had made the investment in a mac, but I feel like I now have too much invested in software (music and otherwise) to switch now.

About the EMU 1616 cardbus heat-related issue- I think the problem is partly my laptop, but mainly the EMU card itself. I say that because other cards (e.g. firewire, wifi, etc.) get hot, but keep working. Additionally, the card stuck out a fair amount, and was very hot at the end, as if it was actually drawing a lot of current. In any event, I'm ready to buy something I don't need to worry about, and just start recording again!
make the music! it really doesnt matter what it's made on, as long as creativity is expressed!

i'm pumped, my new song is killer!