Windows 7 Best recording software. Which is best?


New member
Just bought this windows seven computer and I am looking for a good recording software to mesh with my drumming software. FL 9 works but I used to use Cakewalk Guitar tracks 4 to used as my recording software on my XP software and it worked great. I don't want to spend any money until I find out which is best. tuff.............dude............thanks............for............da.............^d8.........


Yeah, if Reaper runs on Win7 (and I think it does), that'd be my first recommendation. Great program, free to try, and pretty cheap to own.
Win 7 is either 32-bit or 64 bit.... Most of Cakewalk's products are now either 32-bit or 64-bit as well.

I am a huge user/believer/fan of Sonar, and as soon as I put together a Win 7 computer I'm moving up to Sonar 8.5 64-bit.
*Most* DAWS will run on Windows 7 in their most current versions. The bigest problem (Just as with XP and Vista 64Bit) is if you load the 64 bit version and are trying to run 32bit plugins (Waves/Sonnox and others) they will no longer work. Similarly if you have external devices (Audio interface etc) that do not have 64bit drivers they will also not work

Cubase5 tries to circumvent the issue with a bit bridge that supposedly allows you to run 32 bit plugs in the 64bit operating system although it is not 100% effective and many still report problems and this does not address driver issues for exterrnal gear at all.

You can load a 32bit version of 7 (Both 32 and 64bit versions come on the disk if you buy the OS yourself, but beware if you are buying from a big box manufacturer they may not give you an option since they are often trying to upsell you RAM you don't need for the bulk of their customer base) but that limits you to 4 GB of RAM or Less.

The main thing is to decide what you need to be able to work effectively and choose the versions of the software and OS that allow you to do so.

There is no generic*Best* software choice, except the one that works best for you
Buddy your best bet is Reaper. You have to find out what your Windows 7 is, 32 or 64 bit ...then download Reaper.

Reaper is all around the best in its class and alot of pro's are switching over to it.

Get you a good condenser mic and a reliable/ up to date interface. if your trying to use a interface you already have, check the products driver updates before you go off and buy another one.

Im no music production professional but..from dealing with Windows 7 this past 2 weeks, ive learned this much as far as getting it to work right.

If you cant figure out how to use Reaper well....quiet the recording phase my man ha.
No need to buy any software. The free software you'll get with whatever integrated interface you buy - usually something along the lines of Cubase LE or similar - will serve you just fine.
