Windows 11 and Windows 10


I prefer to use a 6 version of Reaper (rather than a 7) . I have an Acer Swift 1 laptop with W11. I want to be able to boot W10 from a USB stick when I wish to run Reaper. Does anyone know if this can be done (or, better still, has anyone done this with an Acer Swift 1 computer). Many thanks, Brian
I am running Reaper 6 32bit on a W11! nachine, as well as Reaper 7 64 bit. I use one or other versions depending on what I am doing. W11 has a problem with saome of the plugins.
I've got v5.99 running on both Win 10 and Win 11. There seems to be no difference from what I can tell. I recently also got a V7 license, and it runs fine. I even set it to the V5 theme, so it looks the same as before. I didn't care as much for the V6/7 themes.

My beef with Win 11 has nothing to do with the operation of other programs. I'm not enamored with the menu navigation. Win 7 was good, Win 10 was a bit different but workable. Win 11 makes me go through extra steps to pull up programs that aren't on the "quick list". I'm not the type of person who uses the same 10 or 12 programs all the time. MS has made it more difficult to find things to customize the system.

I understand that Win 12 will have a device manager with the warning:


Das machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und corkenpoppen mit
spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren keepen hands in das pockets. Relaxen und
vatch das blinkenlights!!!