Win98 or XP????

something cool said:
Win 98 should not be used for anything, let alone recording. XP is 1000x better.

My recording computer has never used anything other than 98se, and I never have trouble.
Why would you even consider 98?

H/W & S/w manufacturers don't support 98 anymore.

Even Microsoft don't support 98
If you already have it and it works, why not? But I would consider upgrading to XP Home Edition. It's much better for audio and graphic than 98...
Call me a Luddite but I'm still running my studio on 98 SE. I have drivers and software to do exactly what I want to do. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
XP Professional + SP2 and all the other updates/patches. Bought the full version of XP Pro and did a clean install from scratch, then, for the notorious SP2 (Service Pack 2) I downloaded the full 266MB Network version. Have not had a glitch, pop, hiccup or freeze. For a Microsoft based pc, that is impressive. BTW, music app is Cubase SX.

Remember the old get what you pay for. Take the plunge and get the best you can afford. Then keep it up to date.

Ummm, this was a no brainer, but my 2 cents.... Windows 98 is great if your poor living under a box and your running a 244mgz comp stealing power from the back of a downtown bar.

Xp man, Hands down.

But hey if your into using 7 year old unstable systems that are not Supported by their own manufacturer... then 98 is the deal for you.
98se worked fine for this guy, moved to 2000 and everything worked 1000% better, no problems in 2 years. Two weeks ago got XP, brand new hard drive, loaded it and SP2 before everything else, Expoorer problems, can't find this, etc..Removed, zero filled, loaded just XP, couldn't find anything, needed drivers, etc. Zero filled again, loaded 2000 back, found everything, no problems.

XP is trash, go 2000. Same NT Kernal, no added crap.

And yes, everything in my system is listed on the hardware list from M$.
rapedbyape said:
XP is a pile of balls, get 2000.

I'll second that. I'm running 2000 on my DAW and almost never lock up, blue screen or anything else. XP never came close to running as smooth.
d(-_-)b-Phones said:
Ummm, this was a no brainer, but my 2 cents.... Windows 98 is great if your poor living under a box and your running a 244mgz comp stealing power from the back of a downtown bar.

Xp man, Hands down.

But hey if your into using 7 year old unstable systems that are not Supported by their own manufacturer... then 98 is the deal for you.

That's ridiculous. Use whatever works for ya. If I've never had trouble with my setup, why would I change it? I'm running XP on my office computer, I haven't had any trouble with that either. They are both solid platforms.
These threads amuse me. Where do you plan on acquiring a copy of windows 98? Last time I checked it's not even being sold. I don't even think win2k is available anymore.

There is no OS out there that SOMEBODY hasn't had a bad experience with. Everyone's got some kind of anecdote about how this or that OS gave them problems from the get-go. Especially when you're talking microsoft. But ask any IT professional who works with a substantial user base which OS they've found to be more stable. My support calls have dropped significantly since we rolled out XP. I can't tell you how many times I've had to tell people "Yeah, that's just a known issue with windows 98; there's nothing we can really do about it."

If you don't install XP now, you will be in the next couple of years when you suddenly need to replace a piece of hardware and find that 98 isn't supported. Or when you want the cool new features in the latest version of your software and they stop supporting 98.

As for "don't fix it if it ain't broke", I'm not sure windows 98 qualifies as "not broke"; not in my book, anyway.
ez_willis said:
I've never had trouble with my setup, why would I change it?

Can't agree with you more on that one.

Why do you 98 loathers think that some big companies still use extremely out of date computers for their gigantic inventory networks? Because it's always WORKED for them. Upgrading is NOT the key, it's whatever works for you. Sure, those companies upgrading love it because people spend silly money for just a few more improvements; it's a marketing scheme and that's all there is to it. Let the modern attraction and advertisement of new Microsoft bullcrap spoon feed you. Baby's ARE usually happy and satisfied when they see that little plane coming down to landing. :p