Will this Work as a vocal/guitar booth?


Ninja kick the dam rabbit
i know this will sound very noobie, and im sorry if its a silly question, but this is the only place i know that can help me, and i dont wanna mess this up.

i want a room that works great for acoustic guitar and voclas. i was thinking or building a med size booth tall enough to stand a move around in with out feeling cramped.
as for sound treating it, i was thinking of just doing this:

now i dont know if that will sound good. i know it will be dead, and ive heard thats great for vox, but what about acoustics? i might be tossing amps in there too.

should i put this on one of the walls?: http://pro-audio.musiciansfriend.com/product/Auralex-pArt-Science-SpaceArray?sku=422032

help? lol
hmmm. damn. i really do need the isolation. to much sound from outside the house is getting in. if i could just get a booth like that it would help alot.. but i dont want it to sound like ass lol. i just assumed if i ussed the stuff i listed it would sound pretty good. 6X6 room 7 feet high. ..hmm i donno. is that too small?