Will this preamp work for this?

if you're just starting out and want to get a feel for recording and are on a very tight budget, then yes it will work, in the sense that it will indeed boost your mic level to line level, as all preamps do.

unfortunately, it also sounds like butt. i have one, and i never use it. it's simply dreadful sounding.

if you can save up for an m-audio dmp3, go that route. best bang for the buck, and just about anyone here will say so. you can probably score a used one on ebay for $120, and they go for $160 new. plus, they're 2-channel, so you have room to expand.

good luck!
Thanks! I will defiantly be looking into one of those! They seem pretty handy and very useful. Im sorry BIG NOOb here.. But what do you mean by I can expand because it has 2 channels? I understand that with the 2 channels i can still record 2 tracks simultaneously.. but what do you mean by expanding?

Thanks! I will defiantly be looking into one of those! They seem pretty handy and very useful. Im sorry BIG NOOb here.. But what do you mean by I can expand because it has 2 channels? I understand that with the 2 channels i can still record 2 tracks simultaneously.. but what do you mean by expanding?


all i meant was that if you decide that you need two channels of preamp, you already have them, instead of having to go out and buy another pre. "expand" wasn't really intended as some weird technical recording term or anything...:D

you may want to keep in mind that the dmp3 is very clean gain, so that what comes out of it will be a pretty accurate representation of what's going in. if you want more warmth, the studio projects vtb-1 is a good budget pre, but per channel is more than the dmp3. it's a single channel for $120 new, and on an empirical level i'd say it's inferior to the dmp3.

just a consideration.
Thanks! But for now, i think im just going to stick with the recorders mic pres until i can afford some pres. BUT YES! very good consideration to look forward to sooner or later for better, cleaner, more powerful recordings.

I will have the TASCAM DP-02CF here in the next upcoming days.. I will try and figure out how to post some sample mixes up. Thanks again! And if theres any more information you could give about more gear that would help my recordings out feel free to send me a message or post some on here...

Thanks! But for now, i think im just going to stick with the recorders mic pres until i can afford some pres. BUT YES! very good consideration to look forward to sooner or later for better, cleaner, more powerful recordings.

I will have the TASCAM DP-02CF here in the next upcoming days.. I will try and figure out how to post some sample mixes up. Thanks again! And if theres any more information you could give about more gear that would help my recordings out feel free to send me a message or post some on here...


i can't speak to the tascam specifically, but most onboard pres you'll find in multitrackers are far better than the tube mp anyway. i kinda missed the "going into a tascam..." part in your first post because i was hung up on answering the primary question.

you're making a good decision, imo. you already have preamps in the unit, so using them makes the most sense. have fun out there! :)

i can't speak to the tascam specifically, but most onboard pres you'll find in multitrackers are far better than the tube mp anyway. i kinda missed the "going into a tascam..." part in your first post because i was hung up on answering the primary question.

you're making a good decision, imo. you already have preamps in the unit, so using them makes the most sense. have fun out there! :)

Wow! I would think that an outboard pre would be more sufficient and powerful... but i guess with an outboard pre you just have more opportunity to tweak it?

Sorry, but what do you mean by imo? I am very happy with my purchase so far, but well have to see once i get the unit and put down some mixes with it.

Anyone know how to post sample mixes on the forums?

Thanks a lot!
Wow! I would think that an outboard pre would be more sufficient and powerful... but i guess with an outboard pre you just have more opportunity to tweak it?

Sorry, but what do you mean by imo? I am very happy with my purchase so far, but well have to see once i get the unit and put down some mixes with it.

Anyone know how to post sample mixes on the forums?

Thanks a lot!

imo=in my opinion

post all mixes for critique in the mp3 mixing clinic. it's a good forum, lots of good people hang there, and you'll get honest and constructive feedback. you'll want to get yourself a soundclick.com or lightningmp3.com account (both free), upload the tracks, and then post a link in the clinic. browse around that forum a bit to get a feel for what it's all about. good stuff in there.

it's true, some outboards will have more options than onboards. things like polarity reversal, hi-pass filters, etc. but you're better off learning the skills of recording with whatever devices you have available before trying to "upgrade" gear. once you get a feel for the process, you can make more educated decisions on what you need to improve the sound.

good luck! :)
imo=in my opinion

post all mixes for critique in the mp3 mixing clinic. it's a good forum, lots of good people hang there, and you'll get honest and constructive feedback. you'll want to get yourself a soundclick.com or lightningmp3.com account (both free), upload the tracks, and then post a link in the clinic. browse around that forum a bit to get a feel for what it's all about. good stuff in there.

it's true, some outboards will have more options than onboards. things like polarity reversal, hi-pass filters, etc. but you're better off learning the skills of recording with whatever devices you have available before trying to "upgrade" gear. once you get a feel for the process, you can make more educated decisions on what you need to improve the sound.

good luck! :)

Great! Gotcha! I'm sure i will keep learning more and more and more in this field because it interests me SO MUCH! All throughout the days i have so many different ideas about recording/sound reinforcement. Or sometimes i just think harder and harder about different things to do with recording and the like....

I would love to stay in the recording field throughout my entire life.

Thanks so much everyone!