Will it hurt my firebox to do this?


New member
If I plug a device with a line level output (like my keyboard) into the inputs on the front of the firebox, will the firebox be damaged? I realize that the 2 inputs on the back are designed as inputs for line level outputting devices, but could the inputs on the front (which have preamps in them) also be used for plugging in line level devices?

My Firebox manual says: "...don't plug an active instrument into the combo jacks on channels 1 or 2."
(Channels 1 and 2 are the ones on the front of the firebox which have preamps.)
SKYflyer said:
My Firebox manual says: "...don't plug an active instrument into the combo jacks on channels 1 or 2."
(Channels 1 and 2 are the ones on the front of the firebox which have preamps.)

If the manual say don´t do it, and you still try, i think you´re looking for troubles.
Use in the inputs in the back for line level devices. If your trying to maximize your inputs this is not a good way to do it.
Well, I have heard of people using preamps on line level devices such as keyboards to add "color" to the sound. Why would it not be safe to do this using my Firebox inputs but it would be safe to do (presumably, as I have heard of others doing this) using an external preamp to add "color" to the sound?
Well maybe we need to get specific about what the manual means by "active." If it's talking for example a bass guitar with active pickups then this may not apply to you and a regular line in may be fine.
Here's exactly what it says:
"NOTE: Active instruments are those that have an internal preamp or a line level output. Active instruments should be plugged into a line input (3 or 4) rather than into an instrument input. In other words, don't plug an active intrument into the combo jacks on channels 1 or 2."
SKYflyer said:
Here's exactly what it says:
"NOTE: Active instruments are those that have an internal preamp or a line level output. Active instruments should be plugged into a line input (3 or 4) rather than into an instrument input. In other words, don't plug an active intrument into the combo jacks on channels 1 or 2."
I think you have the definitive answer right there, then.
SKYflyer said:
If I plug a device with a line level output (like my keyboard) into the inputs on the front of the firebox, will the firebox be damaged? I realize that the 2 inputs on the back are designed as inputs for line level outputting devices, but could the inputs on the front (which have preamps in them) also be used for plugging in line level devices?

It probably won't cause any damage (though I wouldn't try it), but it will almost certainly distort like nothing you've ever seen before. :D

If you absolutely have to do this, put about a 30 dB pad inline.