Will I Ever Fix This Pitch Issue?

It's pretty bad - you're losing the pitch on the end of a lot of words. If you can hear the pitchiness that's very good. As weird as that sounds....
Try to get into multi track recording and record the guitar first, then overdub the vocals. Practice just the vocals until you get it perfect. The key sounds a little low for your voice so maybe transpose it a half step up.
meh ..... it's not good but I've heard worse.

Singing is like any other physical activity ........ you have to practice practice practice.

Did ANY quarterback go out and thro the ball perfectly the first time he threw it? Nope .... or the second time of the 450th time or the 1000th time.
These are things you spend years working on and, if it's a vocation, your entire life.

There are no quick and easy fixes .......
Thanks for the reply's , im going to look at them sites and try some exercises and things. Also im going to map the melody out on guitar and keep singing to it, then i re do a recording see if im any better.

Thanks again.
you WILL get better if you work on it ...... period. So let us hear it when you do.


and once again ..... I've heard much worse so you can do it if you work at it.
I've heard worse, too.
At least you are on the right track;
if you can tell that there's a problem in the first place,
you can work on fixing it.