Wierd buzz due to hdmi


New member
Hello, I am running a secondary monitor off of my laptop. I am using an hdmi cord for this.

I am using an m audio audiobox usb interface. When I plug in my hdmi cord, I get a steady, fairly loud buzzing from my speakers.

Does anyone know why?

Run your laptop off battery and see if it goes away. A lot of people have noise issues from the laptop power adapter.
If it's an apple you should be ok but if it's a pc then what washburn100 said is true but instead of battery power just use a ground lift on your power supply cord.... works every time.
I would try plugging the power source for the speakers into a different outlet than the interface or the computer. That woks for me.
Thanks. The computer is a PC.

I unplugged my computer from the wall completely and only ran it on the battery. This did not fix the problem. I also changed the outlet where the powered monitors are plugged in. That didn't work either. Also, note that the interface is powered by the computer and does not plug into the wall.

Any other ideas?
also, the secondary monitor that I'm running is a 32" wide screen tv. I don't know if that matters. I'm just connecting it with an hdmi cable and cant stop that darn buzzing.
Solved my issue

Hi there I had the exact same problem as you and just solved it.

Firstly I checked if it was my HDMI cable and it wasn't.
Then I unplugged the antenna plug from the TV.

The buzzing stopped!

I hope this works for you but I am quite late from your last post.
I get a bit of this, but my assumption is that it's because I have a laptop, a separate screen, 5 power cords, 6 signal leads and a pair of monitors with really large magnets, and probably a mobile phone all in about 1.5 sq m of desk space, and that if I actually got rid of everything that wasn't required or being used and laid cables out neatly, the problem would go away...

It doesn't show up on recordings, so I don't worry about it..
I get a bit of this, but my assumption is that it's because I have a laptop, a separate screen, 5 power cords, 6 signal leads and a pair of monitors with really large magnets, and probably a mobile phone all in about 1.5 sq m of desk space, and that if I actually got rid of everything that wasn't required or being used and laid cables out neatly, the problem would go away...

It doesn't show up on recordings, so I don't worry about it..

I just throw some reverb on it and work it into the mix.