widening vocals


New member
can someone help me with vocal widening tricks. I tried a haas delay but i don't think i am doing it right because it sounds weird
Yes, you would have to pan the copied tracks.

What are you working with?
If it's a mono recording you can't really widen it without artificial sounding trickery (like you describe).
If that's what you want, cool. A stereo chorus plugin could go a long way as an alternative.

If that's not the sound you're looking for you might wanna record a second copy and pan them apart.

In my opinion, chorus sounds like chorus - double tracking sounds like double tracking.
They aren't interchangeable.
Wedding cake will widen your girlfriend's rear... There are plenty of good channel tools you can use. I record in Sonar so I just use Cake's built in channel tools.
do you have to pan the copied tracks?

No, panning copied tracks will not widen anything. You're taking a mono track, copying it, ad then trying to pan them? They will always be mono because it's the same track. All you're doing is making one track louder. If you want two tracks, you need to record 2 tracks (sing twice).
No, panning copied tracks will not widen anything. You're taking a mono track, copying it, ad then trying to pan them? They will always be mono because it's the same track. All you're doing is making one track louder. If you want two tracks, you need to record 2 tracks (sing twice).

You're right...

I meant yes, he'd have to pan them if he was going for some kinda of pseudo stereo effect.

What OP really wants to do though is learn how to autotune 'em ;)
I bring the vocals (lead) right down the pipe... Widen the other $h!t, pianos, guitars.

I agree with this 100%. Vocals should hit people. Weird effects just make the lyrics (and hence the story and purpose of the song) unintelligible.

I like to pan pretty much everything else in my mix hard left or right to clear space for the vocals to be right down the middle.
I like widening the background vocals with panning, and a touch of chorus or verb panned opposite. Effects on a lead vocal shouldn't detract from the art, but having a wide space "behind" gives the impression that I like and can use.
I like widening the background vocals with panning, and a touch of chorus or verb panned opposite. Effects on a lead vocal shouldn't detract from the art, but having a wide space "behind" gives the impression that I like and can use.

As I said, "I bring the vocals (lead) right down the pipe..." Welcome to the club? We've got jackets...